Good Point, developing judgement should be top prioity. No, did not know you teach Math but sounds like a great approach. In Finance almost no one seems to understand the math that underlies the formulas and they just use the calculator (;. They just punch in Black's formulas and read the answer. As for myself when I studied ARCH for my CFA Charter, it hurt my head but I passed. I think I have reached my Math limits. My partners may say I reached my limits when I could not count to 13.

This post assumed standard limit raises but for many who use Bergen here is another viewpoint. Of course many top players dislike Bergen including Lawrence/Hardy but for you old fogeys out there who still use it here is some stuff for discussion that a buddy emailed me.
Please note: 3c=4 tumps 7-10 hcp and 3d=4 trumps, limit raise.
"I advocate that an immediate cue bid by opener on the 4 level to show a void! Other than that, cue-bids often show the ace, but might be on a King if thats the best you can do. These are the hands that the hardest to bid without such an agreement AND you pretty much need to have a void to be making a slam try on a hand that is not suitable for blackwood. Cue-bids on the three level can initially be on anything. Much of the time you may only be trying for game--your subsequent bidding clarifies.
I play this over 3C or 3D responses to 1 of a Major....
Example auctions are useful:
1S 3D
3H - either a generic game try OR a generic slam try. repsonder either signs off, or should cue bid back. 3NT is accepting and giving opener more room to cue-bid, and it implies you don't have a club control, since you didnt bid 4C.
3S - sign off
3NT - Mathe....asking responder to bid a singleton (or void). A good example of that would be: KQJxxx AK xxxx x
4C - club void
4D - diamond void
4H - heart void
so after a void showing response, blackwood now can now exclude the void suit.....
1S 3C
3D or 3H - either a long/help suit game try in the suit bid OR an advance cue for slam in the suit bid. Responder initially assumes the game try, and if he is accepting should try to cue bid something in case it was a slam try.
3S - sign off
3NT - Mathe....asking responder to bid a singleton (or void). A good example of that would be: KQJxxx AK xxxx A
4C - club void
4D - diamond void
4H - heart void
1H 3D
3H - sign off
3S - Mathe....asking responder to bid a singleton (or void). Respond in steps...3NT-clubs, 4C-diaomonds, 4D-spades
3NT - generic slam try, inviting responder to cue bid something...
4C - club void
4D - diamond void
4H - sign-off
4S - Kickback!
1H 3C
3D - either a generic game try OR a generic slam try. repsonder either signs off, or should cue bid back.
3H - sign off
3S - Mathe....asking responder to bid a singleton (or void). Respond in steps...3NT-clubs, 4C-diaomonds, 4D-spades
3NT - generic slam try, inviting responder to cue bid something...
4C - club void
4D - diamond void
4H - sign-off
4S - Kickback!"