Bidding with a beast Handling an uncomfortable hand
Posted 2005-September-03, 01:36
Posted 2005-September-03, 01:44
Echognome, on Sep 3 2005, 02:36 AM, said:
Of course, no offense taken.
Posted 2005-September-03, 01:55
Edit: By the way, 9 hcp + 3 controls + 12 for two longest suits + 6 for longest minus shortests suit = 30 zar points!
9 hcp + 12 for two longest suits = rule of 21.
Both seem to indicate that this is a normal opener even playing sound opening bids.
Posted 2005-September-03, 10:43
3♦ looks like a fit non-jump to me.
Maybe I can come in later.
Posted 2005-September-03, 15:50
Posted 2005-September-03, 16:00
The_Hog, on Sep 3 2005, 05:50 PM, said:
Not really RON, north's hand has five losers. Add to that (say change club JACK to CLUB Queen), I still would not open with a MisIry bid. 10 hcp is not enough with so few quick tricks, (in practice, however, hands CAN BE bid this weak, but the down side increase).
But, playing MisIry, I have no problem what soever opening north 1D and then jumping like heck in clubs, through the use of double... I guess my auction would be...
4C - Pass - 5D
Since i play misiry, 4C is 4 losers too weak for misiry or strong hand with 5 loser. South has three possible covers (SA, DA, CQ). So game might very well be bid.
#8 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2005-September-03, 20:55
I would bid 3D over 2H expecting the bidding to not die. After 3H came back to me, I would bid 4N (2 card disparity). Agressive, and I have the wrong major suit stiff, but I need very little for game so I'd take a shot.
Posted 2005-September-03, 21:12
Posted 2005-September-04, 01:03
Jlall, on Sep 3 2005, 09:55 PM, said:
I would bid 3D over 2H expecting the bidding to not die. After 3H came back to me, I would bid 4N (2 card disparity). Agressive, and I have the wrong major suit stiff, but I need very little for game so I'd take a shot.
If you chose to bid 2N (good/bad/takeout) and corrected any bid to diamonds, would not this show the same thing without risking playing 3D on a game hand? It would be hard to imagine a true single suited diamond hand that passed originally and then backed in to this auction, wouldn't you think?
Posted 2005-September-04, 03:02
Posted 2005-September-08, 08:46
000002, on Sep 8 2005, 10:31 AM, said:
MisIry is a convention tausght to me by my partner (Mishovnbg) and modified by us. Currently I think only 6 pairs in the world are using it, so I wouldn't lose any sleep worrying about running into it...
It is an opening bid of 2NT, 3C or 3D as a transfer preempt to the next higher suit, or a strong two suiter including the suit bid (for 2NT the bid suit is "hearts") and another suit that is not the suit you would have if you were weak.
It is described various places here on the BBF... for instance,
Misho (MisIry) Transfer Openings
World Class MisIry
And others... post as well. There is one thread dealing with optimal defense against it as well.
#14 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2005-September-08, 09:29
Winstonm, on Sep 4 2005, 02:03 AM, said:
Jlall, on Sep 3 2005, 09:55 PM, said:
I would bid 3D over 2H expecting the bidding to not die. After 3H came back to me, I would bid 4N (2 card disparity). Agressive, and I have the wrong major suit stiff, but I need very little for game so I'd take a shot.
If you chose to bid 2N (good/bad/takeout) and corrected any bid to diamonds, would not this show the same thing without risking playing 3D on a game hand? It would be hard to imagine a true single suited diamond hand that passed originally and then backed in to this auction, wouldn't you think?
No I do not think 3D should imply or show any kind of fit for partner and certainly could be based on the 1 suited hand type. I have always been against these "fit showing non jumps" in a non obvious auction like this. What would I bid with x Q Kxxxxxx AJxx. If you would preempt with that, what about x x JTxxxxx KQxx. A lot of hands are consistent with passing then bidding 3D without a fit. I do know if I DID have a fit, I'd have a lot of other ways of showing it.
As for 2N being takeout, what is X? Many would interpret 2N as natural. If you don't buy that a passed hand can have a 2N bid as a passed hand, that's reasonable but it will be hard to ever show about 11 balanced with good heart stoppers otherwise. You could get stolen from. And to show the minors, you could always X. I do not think bidding 3D really risks playing 3D on a game hand when I have 1 major suit card, partner would need a LOT of cards in the majors for it to go all pass, in which case we wouldn't have a game. Even if 2N were for the minors, I would be very poorly placed if they bid 4H (which isnt THAT unlikely) and it got passed back to me. Do I bid 5D now? Partner could hardly correct to clubs.
Posted 2005-September-08, 10:18
Posted 2005-September-08, 10:46
A very good reason not to pass originally, I'll sort my cards better in the future.
- hrothgar
Posted 2005-September-08, 10:52
Easy bid I think.
#18 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2005-September-08, 10:54
Playing fairly solid openers, in first seat North elects to pass and hears this auction:
N E S w
P 1♥ 1♠ 2♥
Where do you go from here? East bids 3H if possible.