This hand cost Can you do better?
Posted 2005-September-01, 02:27
(1D) P (P) ?
What do you bid?
If you choose 2S as I did, the bidding proceeds
(1D) P (P) 2S
(4H) 4S (5H) ?
Posted 2005-September-01, 02:31
Posted 2005-September-01, 02:42
2) 5♠, this seems no forcing pass situation. Don't know who can make a contract at the 5-level. The opps don't know either, so they may bid 6♥.
Posted 2005-September-01, 02:49
I don't think this is a forcing pass position, but whether it is or not I probably pass as I have exactly what I have shown: opening values & a decent 6-card spade suit.
I have a nasty feeling it isn't our hand. It's not impossible they are making 6H.
Of course, this depends a bit on opponents & whether we trust them or they are insane. If everyone is sane, then something like
on our left, and
on our right, with
in partner's hand is entirely consistent with the auction.
Posted 2005-September-01, 03:32
I am not sure here.
In any case, I bid 5S, pard should have all the clubs of the deck (opener has a red 2 suiter, his pard has hearts support with close to a yarborough, since he passed , I expect to lose 2 diamonds and claim :-) ).
I I am off 1, I think/hope it's not a phantom save (in we are off I'd expect opps to have 5H laydown).
Posted 2005-September-01, 04:38
#8 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2005-September-01, 07:56
Posted 2005-September-01, 08:09
1) 2s tells my story wonderfully.
2) ditto 6332 shape
3) ace of H and 3 hearts more pass than bid on.
4) 5 level belongs to opp
5) p could not overcall 1d
6) well bid 4s partner, very well done.
7) partner can bid again if they have funny hand.
Posted 2005-September-01, 08:10
Posted 2005-September-01, 09:20
Posted 2005-September-01, 10:01
Thanks :-)
I realize that my 2S bid has indeed shown my values (and 5S would run the risk to bid "twice" my hand), but there are 2 things pard won't know, and if we pass he will have trouble to figure out:
1) I have Axx in opps suit and I know from the bidding pard is short in the same suit (we are likely not to lose heart)
2) I have Qx in clubs: the Q is a huge offensive card according to the bidding: as opener is likely to be VERY short in clubs and RHO has a semi-yarborough, pard is likely to have all values there.
The combination of 1 and 2) has transformed our hand from a "down the middle" 2S to a huge offensive hand IMO.
Even in the layout shown by Frances, even 6S is a good sac, red vs white, and that says it all about the offensive power of this hand once opener shows a red 2 suiter and RHO shows a bust (so he has no clubs values).
So I think that bidding 5S is not "rebiding my hand", but showing the extra offensive power of Axx in opps suit and Qx of clubs.
#13 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2005-September-01, 10:08
Posted 2005-September-01, 10:11
Jlall, on Sep 1 2005, 04:08 PM, said:
Justin, could you comment on the rest of my "thinking aloud" of my previous post ?
#15 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2005-September-01, 10:17
1) I agree that our red suit holdings are nice. This is likely to be a double fitter. Partner is likely to know this as well. If we had values in the red suit, it is quite likely we would X 5H. Our pass obviously shows that we couldn't X them, which partner can imply to mean we arent loaded in the reds. If we had another red suit trick it's likely we would have Xed.
2) I think you are overrating the club queen. If partner has AKxxx of clubs or something, then it may not help since we would likely be able to ruff the red suits in dummy anyways. If partner has the king, the hook rates to be on. It may be a useful card but it also may not.
3) Our shape does not argue for offense at all. Remember we have the worst possible shape for a 2S bid.
4) partner could have a lot of values in diamonds. He could have values in clubs. We don't know. Basically my viewpoint is this is partners decision, and it should be reasonably well informed.
Posted 2005-September-01, 10:20
Time for another Commercial.... Francis gives this hand for them as a possibility...
on our left, and
Not against me.. My bidding would be MISIRY
2NT - (P) - 4C - (4S)
Over 4♠ if I have strong hand with spades, I double. All other bids show strong hand without spades. With 4NT showing 3-4 loser, 5C showing 2 loser, need lower cover, 5D two loser, no need for lower cover, 5H 1 loser, etc...
So over 4S I would bid 5D, and partner would bid 6♥. Here we have partner raising us and opponents competiting, and we still land accurately and quickly at correct spot.
The combining of 3-4 loser hands in competition and if partner is so rude as not to bid the transfer suit at cheapest level is very common.
Posted 2005-September-01, 10:22
Jlall, on Sep 1 2005, 11:08 AM, said:
1) "fought the law" our hand
13-3-0=expect to make 10 tricks vul.
13=total tricks
3=guess of combined 2 shortest suits
0=guess of 19-21 working hcp
2) "fought the law" opp hand
13-2-0=11 tricks
13=total tricks
2=guess of combined 2 shortest suits. If "1" then they make 6.
0=guess of 19-21 working hcp.
Posted 2005-September-01, 10:22
Jlall, on Sep 1 2005, 04:17 PM, said:
The evaluation of the club Queen is not so much in the power in offense (we can ruff side suits so no discard needed), but the fact that its defensive value is null. Basically it raises the ODR value of the hand, not so much for the high offensive power, but for its null defensive value.
Posted 2005-September-01, 10:23
Jlall, on Sep 1 2005, 11:08 AM, said:
That was my thought as well.
What put me off acting is that partner may have a load of values in diamonds, and a trump lead could put paid to any ambitions the opponents have of making 11 tricks.
Who the opponents are is relevant. I would bid 3H on some pretty powerful 5-6s (or even 5-7s) here; I wouldn't bid 4H unless I think it's very likely to make as I trust my partner. However some people may not be in a regular partnership, or may not trust their partner to (say) bid 5D over 3H looking at xxx Kx Jxx xxxxx.