cherdano, on Aug 23 2005, 03:44 PM, said:
1) I don't understand what your claim "2/1 needs more gadgets to become playable than other systems" has to do with the topic of this thread: Whether Polish Club (+gadgets I assume) is a better system than 2/1 (+gadgets I assume). I don't think McCallum was commenting on WJ2005 vs your vanilla 2/1.
Well this isn't exaclty my quote. What I said was "In precision and polish club, the natural rebids that flow after 1S/1H/1D are much easier and need little real tweaking. The reason being these opening bids are very narrowly defined. "
This has to deal with issues like artifical jump shifts by opener in suits he doesnt hold, reversing into non-existant suits, and responder using thing like 2NT after a reverse as an artificial way to ask opener if he REALLY had a strong hand and if not, lets stop short. In fact, jump shifts and reverses are not even forcing (at least in theory).
And the fact taht 2/1 NEEDS gadgets has everything to do with this thread. 2/1 without them is not competitive. Mikeh disagreed with me that 2/1 is almost unplayable, but then calls his and almost everyone elses 2/1 not really 2/1 but their "own system" because of the gadgets. What I did was point out the biggest flaw (imho) with 2/1 (the wide range one of suit opener) and the need for gadgets to follow help unravel. Mikeh uses Ingberman over reverses, and artifical 3
♣ as magic elixir to deal with just this problem. I use Ingberman over reverses and artificial 2
♣, and I throw in some additional multi-openers to remove some of the hand types as well. This is the kind of gadgets I was talking about.
2) I am not sure I agree with your claim that 2/1 needs more gadgets than, say, precision. In precision, after 1♣-(3♠), what does pass show, what does double show? Surely you need agreements here (more than "all doubles are takeout until we have found a fit", as works rather well in 2/1), and if you don't consider nmf part of 2/1, then I don't think you can consider agreements here to be part of precision.
If you note, I limited my conversation to 1
♦, 1
♥, 1
♠ opening bid for 2/1 as it relates to gadgets. And if you read my replies in this thread, you will see I look on the 1
♣ forcing bid in strong systems with some distain. I think that one bid is the weakest part of those systems. So whatever gagdets they need to deal with the weakness of their system is up to them to figure out. But you will not drag me into that one, that is one of the reason I abandoned strong club systems. But I was addressing what I view as wrong with 2/1 reply to the original question not what is wrong with Polish or other 1
♣ systems (known as blue systems I think.
I don't get your point about no world class pair playing vanilla 2/1, until you show me a top class polish club player who doesn't play some gadgets after 1x-1y-1z.
Well, the point was that 2/1 has problems. These are no secret. And in fact, as several people have pointed out, a properly done up 2/1 "system" is more complicated and more expanded than most forcing club systems. Take a look at what Mikeh posted he plays, you already are familiar with some of the stuff I use. I repeat for those not paying attention, I play 2/1 modified, maybe not as much as Mikeh's btw, and I find it fine. But I thought (and still think) the point was to discuss what is wrong with 2/1 (and presumably ways to fix it). That is what the discussion about no world class pair playing vanilla 2/1 had to do with the discussion.