blackshoe, on 2025-March-23, 14:05, said:
No. The director goes off to think about the ruling. Then he comes back to both pairs (wherever they are by now) and gives the ruling. At least if he's doing it right[.]
I would disagree, but we're definitely deep into the semantic weeds here (*).
I take the facts from the table and go and *make* the ruling. Whether that involves thinking, discussing, polling, checking scores to see if there actually is damage, coming back to get more facts that were missed... whatever.
Then, when the ruling is decided upon, I then go to both pairs (by preference, the pair getting the inferior score first) and *deliver* the ruling.
(*) I trimmed your complaint, which I've seen later was "score input error fixed". Yeah, we don't normally tell people about that if it's proven/obvious until the next time we see them. Maybe that's not best, but a quick look and "yeah, we did defend on that board, not declare. Okay." usually suffices for the ruled-against side. I do wish I had a way of making clear "REVISED" like we write on the recaps at tournaments after scoring errors are fixed. I'm not ignoring the issue in general; you are correct that not informing players of *rulings* that change the score is poor directing (and not informing about *rulings* that don't change the score is inferior).
When I go to sea, don't fear for me, Fear For The Storm -- Birdie and the Swansong (tSCoSI)