DavidKok, on 2025-March-23, 14:34, said:
There are many ways for a preempt to win. It can push the opponents too high, keep them out of the auction, identify a profitable raise or sacrifice, or even indicate a lead. If you play sound preempts you are ahead every time one comes up, as you now have a very accurate picture of your partner's hand. However, you are behind on the hands where preempting might be profitable but the preempt isn't traditionally sound.
These days a lot of pairs trade stability for frequency when it comes to preempting styles. Bidding wins, applying pressure wins, and all of this comes up much more often than the game and slam profits from sound preempts. This deal is an example.
Many players still prefer sound preempts, and I think if that fits your partnership style you should absolutely continue with them. At the same time I think it's good to acknowledge that on this deal that decision was costly.
Realistically, I suspect a 3
♣ preempt would just convince opponents to play 4
♥; they aren’t going to commit to 3nt with Kx as a stopper and a nine card heart fit.
Adam W. Meyerson
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit