East leads the eight of spades and west plays low. You try a diamond towards the jack and this loses to the ace and a second spade is returned. You cash the king of diamonds and West drops the queen, and play another diamond but SWest discards a heart and East wins and plays a spade to the jack and your ace. The nine of spades is still out. What now?
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The Only Chance A misfit
Posted 2025-March-20, 08:36
East leads the eight of spades and west plays low. You try a diamond towards the jack and this loses to the ace and a second spade is returned. You cash the king of diamonds and West drops the queen, and play another diamond but SWest discards a heart and East wins and plays a spade to the jack and your ace. The nine of spades is still out. What now?
I prefer to give the lawmakers credit for stating things for a reason - barmar
Posted 2025-March-21, 08:39
I prefer to give the lawmakers credit for stating things for a reason - barmar
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