blackshoe, on 2025-March-19, 17:31, said:
Nothing that happens at the bridge table (with the exception of what happened to Mr. Bennett in 1929) is "the end of the world".
I don't think there is only one right way to play any bidding method, and I don't care if a pair plays something that is different to what I'm used to. What I do care about is that they tell me what the hell they're doing. As a director, I would explain to them -- once, or maybe twice -- what they're doing wrong, and what they need to do to do it right. If after that they still can't manage proper alerts or explanations, I'd issue a PP.
Someone upthread mentioned players with 2500 master points. How many master points someone has is not a measure of how good a bridge player they are. It's certainly not a measure of how well they know the rules of the game they're playing.
You're right. What I meant to say was something like "I understand this is not the standard way 2/1 is usually played" or something to that effect.
Upthread, JB said: "North tells you they would have made a different lead, "probably a club" if the opponents had disclosed their methods." My initial reaction was that there is nothing in the bidding as shown that is required to be alerted under ACBL rules. Of course, if asked, opponents are entitled to a full explanation. My point was that, if their methods are that 2
♣ is GF and usually shows 5 clubs, but might be only 3 or 4 depending on the hand, then IMO no alert is required even if they chose (for whatever reason) to "establish a game force" on this hand.
Later, JB said: "East thought they were playing a generic 2♣ GF
West believed they had dropped the generic 2♣ GF"
So, if by "generic 2
♣ GF" we mean that East would bid 2
♣ artificially with any GF hand, and the bid says nothing about clubs, then it should have been alerted. But, in general, in ACBL Land, we alert what the ACBL tells us we need to alert and give full explanations when asked. We're not required to volunteer information and, in fact, could be accused of providing our partner with UI if we alert something that is not required to be alerted.
(Life is different online, when we can provide explanations to the opponents that our partner doesn't see.)