mikl_plkcc, on 2025-February-08, 07:18, said:
4333 is the worst possible shape in suit, but why isn't it the best possible shape in NT? When we play NT we want to be as balanced as possible, don't we?
Good question. It is still the worst possible shape, of all the balanced hands. We don't want to be as balanced as possible for NT - rather, we want a source of tricks, and the side suits adequately stopped. With 5332 or 4432 the chance of finding a source of tricks in our longer suits is better than with 4333, and this more than compensates for the lower risk by having the suits stopped better on average.
More importantly though, we often don't bid 1NT to play 1NT, but to give partner an easy auction to our likely best contract. For this 4333 is, while still the worst shape, often somewhat underrated. Having 3-card support for any 5-card suit partner has is a bit of an advantage if partner introduces a long suit, though it is at least partially offset by the lack of ruffing potential in the short hand.
mikl_plkcc, on 2025-February-08, 07:18, said:
One of the reason of opening 1NT was that it is a picture bid, and I wanted to show my shape in 1 bid without the opponents being able to enter the auction, rather than giving information away to the opponents to find their killing defence ending up in NT anyway.
I am sorry, but this is very wrong. A key part of having a good notrump ladder, and getting to good spots on those 40-60% of the openings mentioned, is showing your balanced hand and your range reliably. We no longer have things such as picture bids for NT, or freedom to upgrade for the sake of shutting out the opponents. This time your partner was the one who was successfully misled by your actions. Keep in mind as well that both opponents had already passed prior to your bid, so tactical considerations play a particularly small role in this seat.
mikl_plkcc, on 2025-February-08, 07:18, said:
If I bid normally, the bidding would likely went 1♣ - 1♥ - 1♠ - 2NT - all pass.
I am a fan of rebidding 1NT, not 1
♠. Showing the strength and hand type with the rebid is, in my opinion, more helpful to partner than showing the four card spade suit - especially with modern gadgets slapped on. The negative inferences when we do rebid a suit are also valuable. The last time this topic came up it sparked a bit of a discussion, so I'll leave it here instead. I do think if you rebid 1
♠ partner should look at their quacky 10-count with a misfit in all suits and go low by rebidding 1NT, not 2NT.
mikl_plkcc, on 2025-February-08, 07:18, said:
Or should I stayed in 3NT instead of bidding 4♥ because I was 4333 even there was a 8-card fit, because I wouldn't contribute any ruffing potential and I was stopped in all remaining suits?
3NT versus 4M is a complicated topic, and 4333 is definitely one argument in favour of staying in 3NT. However, the high number of controls and values in partner's secondary suit is an argument for 4
♥. In short, I think this is a complicated topic. I will say though, if you have not discussed this with your partner, do not suddenly spring passes of 3NT with a fit for their major on them. You will inevitably get it wrong some of the time, and it's better to have investigated and discussed the statistics ahead of time before changing your style. Richard Pavlicek's site has a bunch of good information on this topic.