North leads the KD. Over you you.
Grand Lady Where is she?
Posted 2025-January-27, 17:39
North leads the KD. Over you you.
Posted 2025-January-27, 18:58
If North has ♣Q then we make on a squeeze (assuming North must hold ♦Q) as long as we leave clubs to the end.
Or we could try ruffing one low club which makes if Q is in the short hand, but that's not as likely, and if someone has Qxxx I can't see any way past 12 tricks.
Or we could try two top clubs and run the J through South, which works if south has Qxxx or less or North a singleton or doubleton Q, but that's still not as good as the first line, and again I can't see any way to find a 13th trick when South has 5 or more.
So I'll take the first line, but feel like there's probably something more complex..
Posted 2025-January-28, 03:01
Run the hearts, cashing the spade ace at some early point. So reduce to xx x J x with dummy being Q void void AKJ10. North has, say K void Q and three clubs. You dont know.where the queen is.
On your last heart, he pitches the spade king. Great, the queen is good but you have to reduce to Q void void AKJ.
Ok, you say, surely he wouldnt pitch the spade king unless he also had the club queen?
Ok as north you began with Kxx x KQxx xxxxx. Plan your defence. You had to come down to K void Q xxx, having pitched 2 clubs. Pitch another one and declarer will usually drop the queen offside youve pitched 3 clubs and you dont rate to have started with 6 of them. So you pitch the spade king .it surrenders trick 12 but not trick 13, and declarer is almost surely hooking the club now unless he thinks youre good enough to defend like this. Bear in mind that this event has some pretty good players in it.
What this means is that the squeeze is really a decision to play north for the club queen, in which case you could hook it early, winning if its onside unless he started with 5+ clubs.
Whether he holds the spade king is an illusion against WC defenders.
So which is better? Hook north or south?
I think it very close since the squeeze has an extra chance, over an immediate club hook when north has 5+ clubs to the queen .you cant pick up Qxxxx in south by cashing AK and running the jack.
But hooking north loses to Qx in south, while playing to hook south picks up Qx in north.
Is Qxxxx in north along with diamond queen and spade king enough to overcome the squeeze line losing to Qx in south?
If north has five clubs he probably has shorter spades than does south, reducing the odds of his holding the spade king.
I simply am not good enough to calculate the odds. Ive also seen the hand, so cant credibly claim that I know how Id play it. I think Id play for south to have the queen, which is a tad over 50% since this line also wins when north has Qx or Q.
There is a third line but not one Id expect anyone to take club AK then ruff, picking up Qxx in either hand as well as Qx in either hand. Qxx is less likely than the odds of south holding Qxxx.
Posted 2025-January-28, 04:32
But I get the chance of South having Q, Qx, Qxx, Qxxx, or xxxxx+ as 40%, not just over 50%?
Posted 2025-January-28, 07:21
Posted 2025-January-28, 10:43
smerriman, on 2025-January-28, 04:32, said:
But I get the chance of South having Q, Qx, Qxx, Qxxx, or xxxxx+ as 40%, not just over 50%?
How to you propose to get back to dummy?
Posted 2025-January-28, 11:57
mikeh, on 2025-January-28, 10:43, said:
I don't need to get back to dummy. My line is cashing the diamond ace, spade ace, and all trumps, leaving me with ♠53♦J♣8 in hand opposite ♣AKJT. I then finesse the club and drop North's queen, as they had to reduce to 3 clubs to keep the diamond. Isn't this just an automatic simple squeeze? What am I missing?
If you think finessing South is over 50%, it sounds like you're making when they have Qxxxx. The finesse is a 12th trick, where is your 13th?
Posted 2025-January-28, 13:48
lamford, on 2025-January-28, 07:21, said:
But if North has the queen you have a 100% line, and if South holds the queen you also need them to have 4 or less to find a 13th trick (this line also making if North has stiff Q or Qx, but that doesn't add up to much). Doesn't that make playing North for it much better?
(Also, it's 12:11, not 12:10, since this decision is prior to leading the first club.)
Posted 2025-January-29, 08:45
smerriman, on 2025-January-28, 13:48, said:
(Also, it's 12:11, not 12:10, since this decision is prior to leading the first club.)
No, it is 12:10. With some reservations. You cannot take into account the small diamond played by South, but can take into account the king and queen of diamonds in the available spaces calculation.
You cannot combine the ruffing club finesse with the squeeze on North as you need a trump entry if you play South for Qx(x)(x) in clubs. If North had Qxx(x) in clubs and the KQ of diamonds, an expert would surely lead his second highest club, when only Mystic Meg would finesse. I would guess the queen of clubs with South is as high as 70%
Posted 2025-January-29, 08:45
smerriman, on 2025-January-28, 13:48, said:
(Also, it's 12:11, not 12:10, since this decision is prior to leading the first club.)
No, it is 12:10. With some reservations. You cannot take into account the small diamond played by South, but can take into account the king and queen of diamonds in the available spaces calculation.
You cannot combine the ruffing club finesse with the squeeze on North as you need a trump entry if you play South for Qx(x)(x) in clubs. If North had Qxx(x) in clubs and the KQ of diamonds, an expert would surely lead his second highest club, when only Mystic Meg would finesse. I would guess the queen of clubs with South is as high as 70%
Posted 2025-January-29, 12:45
lamford, on 2025-January-29, 08:45, said:
You stated in your earlier post that an expert North, with the queen of clubs, would lead the King of diamonds. Was this a typo?
If North really would lead a club whenever holding the queen, then sure, that expert logic is above me; will try a poll (currently unanimously in disagreement, though perhaps nonexperts). But you also said that the lead logic was above expert and you would play South for it solely on vacant spaces.. that doesn't look right.
produce 1000000 predeal west SA53, HKQJT982, DAJ, C8 predeal east SQT, HA763, D97, CAKJT5 condition hascard(north, KD) and hascard(north, QD) and diamonds(south)>=1 and hearts(north)==1 line1 = hascard(north,QC) line2 = hascard(north,QC) and clubs(north)<=2 or hascard(south,QC) and clubs(south)<=4 action frequency(line1,0,1) 0 545408 1 454592 action frequency(line2,0,1) 0 587134 1 412866
Solely on vacant spaces, playing North for the queen wins 45.5% of the time; the other line only 41.3%.
Posted 2025-January-30, 07:39
About half those in grand made it. Much depends on whether North would lead a club with the queen. He does not know dummy has the jack, ten, but he can see the benefit of the club lead. I think playing South for the queen of clubs is much better than playing North for it. Even though if South has Qxxxx or Qxxxxx in clubs we cannot make it
Posted 2025-January-30, 12:19
lamford, on 2025-January-30, 07:39, said:
Your first post said that an expert North, holding KQ of diamonds and the queen of clubs would surely lead a diamond. Your second post said that an expert North holding those cards would surely lead a club. Those are two completely opposite statements; you can't have meant both.
19 people have voted; 18 decided to lead a diamond, with the other leading a trump. Nobody has led a club, so they agree with your first statement, not your second.
Against any of those players, therefore, the first line is better, so I'll stick with that.
Posted 2025-January-31, 14:31
Now we have three contradictory statements - an expert would likely lead the ♦K, second club, and trump, all at the same time!
Fighting a losing battle, but fighting nonetheless

Posted 2025-February-02, 10:56
smerriman, on 2025-January-31, 14:31, said:
Now we have three contradictory statements - an expert would likely lead the ♦K, second club, and trump, all at the same time!
Fighting a losing battle, but fighting nonetheless

That is why he is an expert. An expert is one who knows what he should have done moments after he did the wrong thing. [I prefer an expert is a has-been and a spurt is a drip under pressure]
I imagine that a mixed strategy is required, as in the game Rock, Paper, Scissors. If North has the king of spades, king, queen of diamonds and the queen of clubs, then he can see the danger of the squeeze and should prefer a trump. Without the queen of clubs, he should not lead a club as declarer will probably get it right. With the queen of clubs he should lead a club some of the time. He will also know that declarer is likely to place the queen of clubs in the opposite hand to the KQ of diamonds on available spaces and therefore he needs to lead the king of diamonds some of the time with the queen of clubs and some of the time without. Few think that way of course!
There is some reason why a trump is often chosen against a grand slam. It gives no information.
I have looked at the different lines of play in 7H. Played by West, the king (or queen) of diamonds was always led. Of those who went off: ENGEL took the club finesse at trick three (!). PRYOR played the ace, king of clubs and ruffed a club. McKINNON also took the club finesse at trick three. BARANTIEV took the club finesse at trick five. BABSCH (playing from North on a diamond lead) tried to ruff out the queen of clubs in the same manner as PRYOR. ANDRIESCU also tried to ruff out the queen of clubs. RASE also tried to ruff out the queen of clubs. SALINAS did the same, as did VARDAR. All nine went off. Not one of them played your squeeze line which says something. The six who made it took the ruffing club finesse. North played it once and South covered the jack of clubs.
An early club finesse has to be worse than your line as you also make it when North has Qxxx or Qxxxx clubs. That might be unlikely but it does not cost. Trying to ruff out the queen of clubs comes in at 36.32% (Q,Qx or Qxx in either hand). The ruffing club finesse comes in at 40.76% (Q or Qx with West or Q, Qx, Qxx, Qxxx with East). It would seem that the squeeze is the better line as that is 50%. Why did none of the nine experts choose it then? Because I think it is a mirage. When the squeeze is working, West will not lead a top diamond as often. He only needs to choose a trump (or a club) instead about 20% of the time for the squeeze to be wrong. Now the squeeze is only 40%. If he only leads a top diamond without the queen of clubs, your line becomes 0%. But that is not his correct strategy either, as now the ruffing club finesse only fails when South has five or more clubs including the queen, 14.07%
And we are ignoring the fact that silent opponents skew the odds. If North had KJxx x KQxxx Qxx he would double after 1C-(P)-1H so some hands where the squeeze is working can be eliminated. I still think the ruffing club finesse is right.
Posted 2025-February-02, 20:38
lamford, on 2025-February-02, 10:56, said:
lamford, on 2025-February-02, 10:56, said:
Every player in the event chose to give away significant information by leading a diamond honor (and just about everybody led a diamond honor in the follow up poll), so what does that say about leading a trump and giving no information.
Posted 2025-February-02, 21:19
lamford, on 2025-February-02, 10:56, said:
Well, it certainly says that the 3 declarers who took early club finesses were having a bad day as they failed to recognize a very simple squeeze position. As for the 6 who tried to ruff out the ♣Q, they were basically playing for North to have started with ♣Qxx.
Posted 2025-February-03, 09:38
johnu, on 2025-February-02, 21:19, said:
Yes, those that took the early club finesse were only winning 36% of the time, losing to the squeeze when North has five or more clubs. Those attempting to ruff out the queen of clubs pick up Q(x)(x) in either hand, not just with North.
I don't think the squeeze line is right, however. If North has Kxx(x) x KQxx(x) Qxx(x) then he would likely have made a takeout double after 1C-1H, and if he had five spades including the king he would have bid 1S. The squeeze line effectively requires North to have the queen of clubs AND no king of spades. So, even if everyone leads the king of diamonds automatically, the squeeze is around 25% at best, and the immediate club finesse even worse. A couple of Norths bid without the queen of clubs on KJxx x KQxxxx xxx.
I now think there is a better line still. Win the diamond lead and cross in trumps, retaining the two, of course, and lead the queen of spades. If South covers, win and play the squeeze line. If South does not cover, North probably has the king of spades, so is very unlikely to have the queen of clubs. Now take the ruffing club finesse.
Posted 2025-February-03, 18:46
johnu, on 2025-February-03, 17:53, said:
Some players chose A,K and a small club and ruffed. I agree it is worse than the ruffing finesse, but not by that much. About 4% worse I think.