Posted Yesterday, 23:46
I wouldn't lead heart on this auction + hand. But if you forced me to, there's no reason not to lead ace. That at least avoids complete debacles like declarer winning K in dummy or hand opposite a stiff. In general underleading aces is terrible at suit contracts. At your level maybe it should just never be done. Generally you only do it in desperate situations, to induce a misguess (and here no reason to, as you have the Q and it's not like declarer can misguess from KJ tight in dummy, or Kx dummy vs Jx in hand), or you desperately need to get partner in for a lead in another suit (e.g. you have void and want ruff at trick 2 to beat a slam). Here there's nothing on the side for partner to lead to your advantage so it'd be nuts to not lead ace, if choosing to lead the suit.