jdiana, on 2024-December-31, 15:04, said:
We routinely bypassed a 4-card spade suit with a GF hand, so our auction would probably start
1♥ - 2♣ (GF)
2♦ - 2NT
3♥ (promising 6) - 3♠ (agreeing hearts - since the 2NT bid promised two hearts - and showing a spade control)
We had no way for the opener to unilaterally set trumps other than a jump rebid to 3M with a solid suit.
Thanks, this is exactly the sequence I was thinking about (but I didn't want to force it on the discussion).
We would probably bid the same way up to 3
♥, with almost the same meaning but one crucial difference: 2NT for us does
not promise two hearts. The system says explicitly that 2NT shows willingness to play NT from our side and asks opener to continue to describe his hand, but neither promises nor denies a balanced hand.
Developments beyond 3
♥ are not spelt out and we are left in a bit of a stalemate, because on the one hand the system emphasises control-bidding the entire level below game when possible but on the other hand it is strict about explicitly agreeing suit fits.
As I see it, 3
♠ has no real use here in terms of stops for 3NT, so it might as well be about hearts, which is fine if partners know and agree.
I can't say the same for 4
♣ however, as that would be useful natural (although probably not as useful as a control-bid fixing hearts).
And 4
♦ is out of the question as that really is needed natural.
So far I have ducked the question with slam interest, jumping to 4NT with less trusted partners and bidding 3
♠ undiscussed with more trusted.
But we really should have a clear agreement that allows us to fix trumps.
I figure this could be either:
(A) 3
♠ fixes trumps in hearts and suggests but does not promised spades control; 4
♦ are natural
(B) 3
♠ and 4
♣ are control-bids fixing trumps in hearts; 4
♦ is natural.
Of course there is also the related problem of what happens in the analogous auction where opener has spades instead of hearts.
Here this could be either:
© 4
♥ fixes trumps in spades and shows slam interest, does not promise or deny any control; 4
♦ natural
(D) 4
♦ are control-bids fixing trumps in spades; 4
♥ is RKCB fixing trumps in diamonds.
A and C are probably more mainstream, but B and D closer to our style.