You are North. Partner is on lead against 4♠, and leads the ♦J. You overtake and play a second high diamond, both partner and declarer following (partner had ♦J2 and declarer ♦T3 if it matters). What do you do at trick three? It's matchpoints, not a very strong field. For what it's worth, 3♠ is weak and opponents do not have detailed agreements about preempting style, but you suspect they will be conservative by modern standards.
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A Matchpoint Defense
Posted 2024-November-30, 15:24
You are North. Partner is on lead against 4♠, and leads the ♦J. You overtake and play a second high diamond, both partner and declarer following (partner had ♦J2 and declarer ♦T3 if it matters). What do you do at trick three? It's matchpoints, not a very strong field. For what it's worth, 3♠ is weak and opponents do not have detailed agreements about preempting style, but you suspect they will be conservative by modern standards.
Adam W. Meyerson
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2024-November-30, 18:34
Sounds like a weak enough field that most tables will be at 3♠ E/W or even 2♦ N/S, so we'd better try to set the contract.
I voted K♥, but if declarer is a really weak player a top diamond will work better.
In a better field I'm leading a small heart, but here the small chance that declarer's hearts are exactly 432 (so partner has trouble reading my 6) is not worth it.
I voted K♥, but if declarer is a really weak player a top diamond will work better.
In a better field I'm leading a small heart, but here the small chance that declarer's hearts are exactly 432 (so partner has trouble reading my 6) is not worth it.
Posted Yesterday, 06:58
From the OP, AJ 7th S + CK is more likely than same trump suit + HA. So a low H should work fine?
Posted Yesterday, 12:39
apollo1201, on 2024-December-01, 06:58, said:
From the OP, AJ 7th S + CK is more likely than same trump suit + HA. So a low H should work fine?
My point was that declarer makes 4S if they have AJ 7th + HA, and it seems in this field there might not be much of a difference between -620 and -650.
In theory, a low heart should work fine, but partner might think we have x xxx AKQxxx Kxx and return a club. Partner shouldn't return a club, because in that situation declarer will discard a club on a heart and we still won't get the CK, but I don't trust most of my partners to figure that out (nor would I always figure that out at the table).
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