We had these hands in today's club game, how high do you want to go ? and how do you get there ?
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Bid these (matchpoint pairs) all vul dealer W
Posted 2024-September-19, 12:01
We had these hands in today's club game, how high do you want to go ? and how do you get there ?
Posted 2024-September-19, 13:25
If feeling lucky, I want to be in 6H. If feeling unlucky, I want to be in 4H.
Slam is borderline, especially if south owns the spade ace. Now, whether south recognizes the urgency behind a trump lead would depend on the auction. East has options after a 2C response….many would bid 2S, and west will never reveal short spades.
In my preferred method, it’s plausible for east to suppress the spade suit,at least temporarily, in order to rebid 2H which, in our methods, shows a good 13+ with 6+ hearts. In standard methods, some play that 2H could be 5, some play as promising 6, but few play it as showing (mild) extras (we open 2H with 9-13), so I think 2S is best, especially if it shows some extra values, as I play in more orthodox partnerships.
In any event, whether west splinters over a 2H rebid or cooperates in slam moves after 1H 2C 2S 3H, south should be leading trump from most holdings with strong spades.
I simply can’t be objective, but my thinking is that a splinter would cause east to swing low. Btw, I think it both normal and advisable for splinters by responder, in all auctions, deny power….they suggest looking for slam if the splinter improves partner’s hand or if partner has a lot of extras. I wouldn’t splinter with, for example, x KQx Kxx AQxxxx. I’d just bid 3H, which is itself a slam try when 2H showed 6+.
So I’m waffling. Put another way…tell me where the spade ace is and I’ll tell you where I want to play. It’s not that 6H is cold when north has it or even that 6H fails every time south has it….but it’s far better in the first instance than the second….especially in a club duplicate where few norths would dream of ducking when the spade is led from dummy.
Slam is borderline, especially if south owns the spade ace. Now, whether south recognizes the urgency behind a trump lead would depend on the auction. East has options after a 2C response….many would bid 2S, and west will never reveal short spades.
In my preferred method, it’s plausible for east to suppress the spade suit,at least temporarily, in order to rebid 2H which, in our methods, shows a good 13+ with 6+ hearts. In standard methods, some play that 2H could be 5, some play as promising 6, but few play it as showing (mild) extras (we open 2H with 9-13), so I think 2S is best, especially if it shows some extra values, as I play in more orthodox partnerships.
In any event, whether west splinters over a 2H rebid or cooperates in slam moves after 1H 2C 2S 3H, south should be leading trump from most holdings with strong spades.
I simply can’t be objective, but my thinking is that a splinter would cause east to swing low. Btw, I think it both normal and advisable for splinters by responder, in all auctions, deny power….they suggest looking for slam if the splinter improves partner’s hand or if partner has a lot of extras. I wouldn’t splinter with, for example, x KQx Kxx AQxxxx. I’d just bid 3H, which is itself a slam try when 2H showed 6+.
So I’m waffling. Put another way…tell me where the spade ace is and I’ll tell you where I want to play. It’s not that 6H is cold when north has it or even that 6H fails every time south has it….but it’s far better in the first instance than the second….especially in a club duplicate where few norths would dream of ducking when the spade is led from dummy.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari
Posted 2024-September-19, 14:36
Bidding it how it would probably go in our club game:
1♣ - 1♥
2♣ - 2♠
3♥ - 3♠(ctl)
4♣(ctl) - 4♦(ctl)
4♠(ctl) - 4N(even)
5♥ - P
West knows we are off a keycard and we probably have spade losers and it hangs on the position of spades Ace, this is MP.
1♣ - 1♥
2♣ - 2♠
3♥ - 3♠(ctl)
4♣(ctl) - 4♦(ctl)
4♠(ctl) - 4N(even)
5♥ - P
West knows we are off a keycard and we probably have spade losers and it hangs on the position of spades Ace, this is MP.
Posted 2024-September-19, 15:44
East has 4 modified losers and an assumed 26+ hcp so slam is on once you find a fit. Systematically I bid.
1♣ - 1♠ GI
2♣ 5+ - 2♦ 4+♥
2♥ 3♥ - 3♠ SI ♠ ctrl
4♣ ♣ ctrl + ♥ honour denies ♦ ctrl - 4♠ even KCs + ♦ ctrl
1♣ - 1♠ GI
2♣ 5+ - 2♦ 4+♥
2♥ 3♥ - 3♠ SI ♠ ctrl
4♣ ♣ ctrl + ♥ honour denies ♦ ctrl - 4♠ even KCs + ♦ ctrl
Posted 2024-September-19, 16:06
mikeh, on 2024-September-19, 13:25, said:
If feeling lucky, I want to be in 6H. If feeling unlucky, I want to be in 4H.
Slam is borderline, especially if south owns the spade ace. Now, whether south recognizes the urgency behind a trump lead would depend on the auction. East has options after a 2C response….many would bid 2S, and west will never reveal short spades.
In my preferred method, it’s plausible for east to suppress the spade suit,at least temporarily, in order to rebid 2H which, in our methods, shows a good 13+ with 6+ hearts. In standard methods, some play that 2H could be 5, some play as promising 6, but few play it as showing (mild) extras (we open 2H with 9-13), so I think 2S is best, especially if it shows some extra values, as I play in more orthodox partnerships.
In any event, whether west splinters over a 2H rebid or cooperates in slam moves after 1H 2C 2S 3H, south should be leading trump from most holdings with strong spades.
I simply can’t be objective, but my thinking is that a splinter would cause east to swing low. Btw, I think it both normal and advisable for splinters by responder, in all auctions, deny power….they suggest looking for slam if the splinter improves partner’s hand or if partner has a lot of extras. I wouldn’t splinter with, for example, x KQx Kxx AQxxxx. I’d just bid 3H, which is itself a slam try when 2H showed 6+.
So I’m waffling. Put another way…tell me where the spade ace is and I’ll tell you where I want to play. It’s not that 6H is cold when north has it or even that 6H fails every time south has it….but it’s far better in the first instance than the second….especially in a club duplicate where few norths would dream of ducking when the spade is led from dummy.
Slam is borderline, especially if south owns the spade ace. Now, whether south recognizes the urgency behind a trump lead would depend on the auction. East has options after a 2C response….many would bid 2S, and west will never reveal short spades.
In my preferred method, it’s plausible for east to suppress the spade suit,at least temporarily, in order to rebid 2H which, in our methods, shows a good 13+ with 6+ hearts. In standard methods, some play that 2H could be 5, some play as promising 6, but few play it as showing (mild) extras (we open 2H with 9-13), so I think 2S is best, especially if it shows some extra values, as I play in more orthodox partnerships.
In any event, whether west splinters over a 2H rebid or cooperates in slam moves after 1H 2C 2S 3H, south should be leading trump from most holdings with strong spades.
I simply can’t be objective, but my thinking is that a splinter would cause east to swing low. Btw, I think it both normal and advisable for splinters by responder, in all auctions, deny power….they suggest looking for slam if the splinter improves partner’s hand or if partner has a lot of extras. I wouldn’t splinter with, for example, x KQx Kxx AQxxxx. I’d just bid 3H, which is itself a slam try when 2H showed 6+.
So I’m waffling. Put another way…tell me where the spade ace is and I’ll tell you where I want to play. It’s not that 6H is cold when north has it or even that 6H fails every time south has it….but it’s far better in the first instance than the second….especially in a club duplicate where few norths would dream of ducking when the spade is led from dummy.
Dealer West in the title, it starts 1♣-1♥
Posted 2024-September-20, 01:17
I want to respond 2H but can't - why not?
2H (no support for clubs) followed by splinters and cue bids - bid it as a 1 suiter but not allowed to splinter
- or a two-suiter where my other suit isn't clubs
I am hoping my partner is forced to respond to 1H and didn't open extremely light
As usual am in the wrong forum
2H (no support for clubs) followed by splinters and cue bids - bid it as a 1 suiter but not allowed to splinter

I am hoping my partner is forced to respond to 1H and didn't open extremely light
As usual am in the wrong forum
Posted 2024-September-20, 08:21
Our auction was fast, I reckoned the turbo needed engaging if we were going to get anywhere in this session.
2♥-5♣ (exclusion)
The opening lead was a diamond which solved that problem and a spade from dummy now quickly wrapped up the slam
2♥-5♣ (exclusion)
The opening lead was a diamond which solved that problem and a spade from dummy now quickly wrapped up the slam
Posted 2024-September-20, 13:17
pescetom, on 2024-September-20, 09:28, said:
It's not hard to imagine layouts where a heart lead would set the slam, though.
Indeed, but weaker players lead trumps less often than they should, there's also the possibility that the holder of the ♠A doesn't have a second trump.
We needed to press the accelerator at that point, and did so without pinpointing the trump lead like some auctions would
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