Posted 2005-July-12, 05:57
Posted 2005-July-12, 06:17
First comment: I really dislike my initial pass. I would have
advanced 1S and would have been positioned better.
Second comment: Having passed initially, I'm happy to redouble. My
hand will play better in ANY other strain than in hearts. If partner
decided that he wants to shoot out 1HXX than my extra strength will be
a welcome surprise.
Posted 2005-July-12, 06:24
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2005-July-12, 15:23
1) opps thinks that they gotcha and you have support for all the other suits.
2) a similar hand was presented by Reese eons ago, I think in the book "Develop Your Bidding Judgment"/ the name of the book was since changed.) He made the point that, unlikely as it might be, P might actually be sitting with very good hearts (and the opps had an accident), and if you RDBL instead of bidding something else like 1NT, etc, at least you won't be hearing P say "P, why did you bid? I had 7,8 etc tricks in my hand!!!) Rdbl is the most flexible bid IMO because it does give partner the option of playing 1HXX if P actually has very good hearts. If not, he'll bid something else. Just don't make cheesy 1-level overcalls on 6-card suits that most would make a jump-overcall with because P will never be able to read it and will hang you by RDBLing.
Posted 2005-July-12, 16:59
hrothgar, on Jul 12 2005, 07:17 AM, said:
First comment: I really dislike my initial pass. I would have
advanced 1S and would have been positioned better.
Second comment: Having passed initially, I'm happy to redouble. My
hand will play better in ANY other strain than in hearts. If partner
decided that he wants to shoot out 1HXX than my extra strength will be
a welcome surprise.
Posted 2005-July-12, 17:12
Posted 2005-July-12, 18:06
luke warm, on Jul 12 2005, 06:12 PM, said:
I voted for 1NT. 1♠ is my second choice.
Posted 2005-July-12, 22:19
Love thy pard - don't make him play a Hawaii 5-0 on offense. The opps can see its the 1 level as well, so trumps are breaking really miserably.
Mind you, 1S or 2C won't be a picnic, but even 2D is possible. And maybe the opps may give up the pursuit if neither has a stack in our runout suit.
Posted 2005-July-13, 02:45
luke warm, on Jul 13 2005, 12:12 AM, said:
Even if it isn't the right action playing with a pick-up on BBO, I think you need to trust partner more than this in a bidding poll! Most 3622 hands are going to pull to 1S if you redouble, if you bid 1S then you are potentially leaving yourself in a 4-1 fit and you won't be able to play 1H XX when it is right.
Posted 2005-July-13, 05:32
Posted 2005-July-13, 05:45
Posted 2005-July-13, 05:54
Posted 2005-July-13, 06:31
(Redouble is clearly SOS here, otherwise you would have supported S before)
I don't like 1♠. Maybe partner has only singleton S and 5 card C?
Disadvantage of XX is that you exclude 1NT and that could very well be the best contract. (or should XX also promise a good ♦ stop, giving partner really a choice between 1S, 1NT and 2C. I don't think that anybody agreed this?)
I choose XX here.
Posted 2005-July-13, 11:05
I agree with Luke Warm that partner may have a hand where passing would work best, but I think that for most hands it won't.
- hrothgar
Posted 2005-July-13, 18:37
MickyB, on Jul 13 2005, 06:45 AM, said:
how bout a 3=6=2=2 13 count? should he bid diamonds after his rho opened the suit? clubs? spades? no trump? or take a chance and pass?
we both know there are lots of hands that would make him grimace
West North East South
(1♦) 1♥ Pass Pass
(DBL) Pass Pass ?
Submitted by BBF member, temp3600