Double Dummy
Posted 2024-May-13, 00:56
Posted 2024-May-13, 01:31
Posted 2024-May-13, 01:32
I've not seen it fail to work since it was speeded up in the web client: but that relies upon some slick client side processing, so I wouldn't be surprised if it had problems on some platform other than my bog standard Chrome/Windows/PC.
[Edit] Just seen smerriman note about slow server. Yes I too have encountered that recently, but as I recall it hung and timed out, rather than merely being slow. Maybe I just hit an extreme.
Posted 2024-May-15, 11:56
So it's not too uncommon to time out when you ask for DD analysis on the opening lead.
Posted 2024-May-15, 12:56
barmar, on 2024-May-15, 11:56, said:
Really, in 2024 with partition analysis?
I just tried it on opening lead using the bridgesolver add-on to Chrome, was unable to distinguish any delay between clicking and reply.
I imagine that is server side on a not particularly distinguished PC (thanks John), you are paying for quite different resources.
Posted 2024-May-15, 13:59
This is in handviewer, of course, since when the one built into BBO was switched to JS that has had no problems.. might as well just update handviewer to the same system and save the server load entirely.
Posted 2024-May-16, 16:56
smerriman, on 2024-May-15, 13:59, said:
I think when we added this to the main client, we also put this on our "it would be nice to do someday" list for HV, but it's not high priority.
You've peeked at the HV code, so you know what kind of spaghetti it is.
Posted 2024-May-17, 12:40
pescetom, on 2024-May-15, 12:56, said:
I just tried it on opening lead using the bridgesolver add-on to Chrome, was unable to distinguish any delay between clicking and reply.
I imagine that is server side on a not particularly distinguished PC (thanks John), you are paying for quite different resources.
barmar, on 2024-May-16, 16:53, said:
I wasn't suggesting there was anyting wrong with the GiB double dummy solver which I imagine is a clone of Bo Haglund's solver or similar, in any case at times it works in fractions of a second.
I was suggesting instead that having moved from in-house servers to hosting by IBM (as I understand from previous posts, at any rate) performance should improve rather than degrade and at least be consistent. I think smerriman was suggesting much the same when he said another server issue, unrelated to actual calculation.
Posted 2024-May-17, 20:57
smerriman, on 2024-May-16, 17:20, said:
Well, that was remarkably simple. Just a few minor tweaks to the code and I've already got it working perfectly with the libdds JS wrapper without any calls to the server, making it way faster than now (and in fact it's much simpler code than it was using before since libdds returns all of the equal cards as part of the results).
Shouldn't be hard to tweak slightly further to have the GIB scores stay up as you click prev/next too rather than have to click it repeatedly, like it does in BBO, which I'm looking at next..
Posted 2024-May-18, 15:49
smerriman, on 2024-May-18, 15:05, said:
It works flawlessly and with barely perceptible delay, no need to reclick.
Maybe BBO could just hire smerriman ?

Posted 2024-May-21, 21:39