The Junior Camrose. West leads the queen of spades, and East encourages. West continues spades and East plays the king and ace while West follows low. You ruff high, while West discards a club Over to you.
Guard of Honour A nice squeeze
Posted 2024-February-19, 11:30
The Junior Camrose. West leads the queen of spades, and East encourages. West continues spades and East plays the king and ace while West follows low. You ruff high, while West discards a club Over to you.
Posted 2024-February-19, 13:36
Posted 2024-February-19, 13:48
pescetom, on 2024-February-19, 13:36, said:
From the title guard of honour, it's a guard squeeze so you are squeezing him down to a stiff diamond honour.
The problem is that E has ♠AKJ and if he has the ♣K and a diamond honour, he's not passing.
Posted 2024-February-19, 15:54
This complicates matters but all’s well if we decide that east has only 2 diamonds. That’s as far as I got on a quick look.
Posted 2024-February-19, 19:51
I suspect that the contract is ‘cold’, in that the defence has no chance if….and this is a big ‘if’….we can accurately read west’s shape.
We cross in trump, ruff a spade high. I’m assuming for now that trump aren’t 4-0 but only to save some typing.
Run the trump
The position just before we play dummy’s last trump is void K A63 97 opposite void void K109 AQ3. On our last trump we throw the club 3.
West, marked with the club King, has to come down to Kx in that suit. If he started with 5 diamonds, he’s done like dinner…if we read the situation.
If we think he’s kept Hxx Kx (or HHx Kx) minors, we play three rounds of diamonds and he’s endplayed.
If we think he’s kept only 2 diamonds….well, if he started with 5 then we can simply cash three diamonds.
What if decide west only had three or four diamonds? Now if we decide he’s come down to 3=2 minors, we play A and a club. Trying to throw him in in diamonds can be foiled….west can unblock the queen on the second round (if he has it) and east can win, unless west has both Q and J, which I doubt due to the opening lead choice. So AQ of clubs if we think he’s come down to Kx. Then we play for split diamond honours.
The problem is that I don’t see how we can ever be sure about the position.
Btw, I think east made a natural but extremely lazy play at trick three. Given dummy’s trump, the third round of spades was an error. I can’t construct a hand (admittedly I didn’t spend much time on this) where a club shift ever costs and it’s obvious that it could gain.
I’ve a feeling I’ve missed something (not about the misdefence). But I’ve spent much more time typing than analyzing and I’m done for at least now.
Posted 2024-February-19, 20:59
Cyberyeti, on 2024-February-19, 13:48, said:
The problem is that E has ♠AKJ and if he has the ♣K and a diamond honour, he's not passing.
The players are Juniors. I am guessing that a junior does not pass with ♠AKJ ♦QJ even missing the ♣K

Posted 2024-February-20, 04:15
shyams, on 2024-February-19, 20:59, said:

Junior opened 2♠ or 1♠ on virtually any hand with ♠AKJxx

Posted 2024-February-20, 08:30
Posted 2024-February-23, 08:16
Lovera, on 2024-February-20, 08:30, said:
Yes the king of clubs is wrong, and ruffing a spade in hand before running the trumps does squeeze East who has Qxx in diamonds and the king of clubs. You pitch a club from dummy of course.
Posted 2024-February-23, 13:03
lamford, on 2024-February-23, 08:16, said:
I think you mistyped. Presumably west has the club king, and he’s the one being squeezed. One still needs to guess the position. If east has Jxx in diamonds, west can come down to Qx Kxx in the minors. But he can only do that if east started with at least three diamonds and kept at least Jxx in the end position. Declarer can still make it…diamond to the ace and duck a diamond into west….but good luck reading that position if the opps card well.
I hate going down on these kinds of hands since, as I noted earlier, the hand is ‘cold’ double dummy and we’re going to be within one spot card of playing double dummy from trick three onwards.
Posted 2024-February-26, 02:19
Posted 2024-March-04, 15:18
Lovera, on 2024-February-26, 02:19, said:
Yes East had AKJxx xx Jxx Jxx.