♥ makes 3.
There are many hands where 3NT will make if you have a heart stopper. If the K was onside doubleton here, it probably would - and if you had Kx, even more likely.
When you don't, you are in a 30-point deck with at least 20 of them and a good fit. And vulnerable at IMPs (I assume). Remember, 40% games pay VUL at IMPs.
Not the worst game I've been in - not even the worst game I've brought home. And I'll be in worse (with a human partner) next month, if not next week.
Your play was an unlucky guess - you make 4 if you drop the K after the ruff. And yes, even -1 in 4
♣ beats 3
♥=. And that would be good.
Now, you probably won't complain about your Lose 8 against +600 (who underleads the
♦A?) as your posts are usually "Robot got me way too high", but smerriman would.
When I go to sea, don't fear for me, Fear For The Storm -- Birdie and the Swansong (tSCoSI)