I was West and hoped to get the hand across with a strong jump shift followed by rebidding the clubs to get the suit quality across. 7NT is cold as is 7♣, even 7♦ makes on a finesse. Do you have a way to get to a grand?
Can you find the grand?
Posted 2023-December-21, 17:44
I was West and hoped to get the hand across with a strong jump shift followed by rebidding the clubs to get the suit quality across. 7NT is cold as is 7♣, even 7♦ makes on a finesse. Do you have a way to get to a grand?
Posted 2023-December-21, 18:42
Posted 2023-December-21, 18:54
TylerE, on 2023-December-21, 18:42, said:
You have 13 top tricks barring a 5-0 club break, with multiple backup chances to make even then.. I think that's pretty good odds single dummy.
Posted 2023-December-21, 22:18
1♠:2♣ *gf clubs or balanced
bidding the diamond suit now doesn't look right unless you have the agreement to bid shape.
We'd get to 6 but not 7
Let me put it in words you might understand, he said. Mr. Trump, fk off! Anders Vistisen
Posted 2023-December-21, 22:29
However, the more likely interpretation of a 5NT bid would be "pick a slam" (from among 6C, 6S, 6NT).
I am not sure I would reach a grand slam with any degree of confidence if I am playing with a new partner.
Posted 2023-December-22, 03:13
In a 2/1 system I am more familiar with the start to the auction, though generally I struggle to remain objective now that I've seen both hands.
As always I dislike jumps on a strong auction. I understand that the 3♣ is systemic, but I reckon the 6NT bid is not.
Posted 2023-December-22, 04:44
1♠-2♣(not GF)
2N (GF opposite a 10 count)-3♣ (cheapest sensible rebid, at least 5 clubs)
3♠ (don't bid bad suits on good hands, with better diamonds would bid 3♦) - 4♣
4♥-4N (heart cue)
5♣(can't cue diamonds)-5♦ (I can but no additional cues to make)
W now has to place the contract, 7♣ is far from cold if they lead a spade as you don't have a late entry to dummy to cash the spades due to not having a low heart, 7N is excellent, but W might visualise x, Ax, Axxx, AQJ109x or similar in which case a spade ruff to establish the spades and heart reentry to cash them makes 7♣ virtually cold, but you need spades 3-3 to make 7N.
Posted 2023-December-22, 08:06
----- 1♠
2♣(FG) - 2♦
3♣ - 3♠
4♦ - 4♥(CTL)
4♠(CTL) - 5♣(CTL,odd KC)
6♦ - 6NT
West knows we are off a keycard, almost certainly ♦K, which leaves East with at least AKJxxx in spades even assuming the hearts control is the K and the clubs control probably just a singleton. But there are too many risks and 6♦ seems wise.
East knows better, but not enough about the clubs and so settles for 6NT.
Posted 2023-December-22, 09:12
Posted 2023-December-22, 09:18
In general for any given two set of visible hands it's easy enough to show an auction, relay or otherwise, that gets to the optimal spot. I think with only 13 cards and two opponents it is often not as clear.
Posted 2023-December-22, 10:18
DavidKok, on 2023-December-22, 09:18, said:
In general for any given two set of visible hands it's easy enough to show an auction, relay or otherwise, that gets to the optimal spot. I think with only 13 cards and two opponents it is often not as clear.
Relays are generally off for strong clubbers after a 2♥ overcall so it would be difficult to show a relay auction in that case. Many systems have relays on after a 1♥ overcall. Whether they are still on after a 2♥ raise then depends on the specific structure being used. Then whether you can find out everything you need to might be tight. At least one of the systems I play around with did get there (albeit not after a 1♣ opening) but it was close. I am fairly sure IMPrecision would manage it and would never bet against Meckwell on such a deal. I also know some relay systems that just run out of space and there are some that do not scan for singleton kings and/or do not fully resolve shape with 7 card suits, so if your point is that not every pair will find it, I would agree. But the OP asked if there is a way to get to the grand and my suggestion is still that relays are the best bet.
Posted 2023-December-22, 10:51
I also wouldn't bet against Meckwell. As far as I know they did not use a relay structure, but that is besides the point.
IMPrecision does not continue relay in competition, as far as I know. The downside of semipositive+ transfers in competition is that it is more difficult to establish a game force, and I think the East hand is not worth forcing to game once West shows 5(+) HCP with a long club suit. If IMPrecision gets free reign it uses the superpositive structure 1♣-1♦; 1♠-1NT, 2♣ etc. resolving the East hand up one step from symmetric. The relay continues to 3♠ by East showing a 6=2=4=1, at which point I don't know whether 3NT is 'to play' (West has shown nothing except 7+ Relay points so far) and they resume with a 4♣ control ask, or whether the structure saves more space here. Either way IMPrecision should be able to find the grand from there, the notes state that they do scan singletons so the club king should be found (by contrast e.g. KK relay does not scan singleton kings and might well miss the grand here even if left uninterrupted).
Posted 2023-December-22, 10:52
Posted 2023-December-22, 11:38
Posted 2023-December-22, 12:51
DavidKok, on 2023-December-22, 10:51, said:
I also wouldn't bet against Meckwell. As far as I know they did not use a relay structure, but that is besides the point.
IMPrecision does not continue relay in competition, as far as I know. The downside of semipositive+ transfers in competition is that it is more difficult to establish a game force, and I think the East hand is not worth forcing to game once West shows 5(+) HCP with a long club suit. If IMPrecision gets free reign it uses the superpositive structure 1♣-1♦; 1♠-1NT, 2♣ etc. resolving the East hand up one step from symmetric. The relay continues to 3♠ by East showing a 6=2=4=1, at which point I don't know whether 3NT is 'to play' (West has shown nothing except 7+ Relay points so far) and they resume with a 4♣ control ask, or whether the structure saves more space here. Either way IMPrecision should be able to find the grand from there, the notes state that they do scan singletons so the club king should be found (by contrast e.g. KK relay does not scan singleton kings and might well miss the grand here even if left uninterrupted).
We have not been given the opposition bidding so it would be impossible to say how well the various relay methods I know would fare on this hand compared with natural. In general I do find they are better in reaching slams and I have some analysis to back that up. Relays are also not confined to being used over a strong, artificial opening but can just as easily be employed over natural and transfer openings. As I previously mentioned, this was the case for some of the systems I compared this hand to. The hard part of such relay auctions is rarely visualising the hand so much as counting whether you have enough steps to relay safely opposite all hands. Fortunately this hand is relatively easy for that. I do take your point about DD auctions and see plenty of them on bridge forums. Some of the systems I tried for this hand ended up in 6NT for example and I am not ashamed of that result in the least. I would feel pretty bad about myself if I did not reach any slam though.
Meckwell uses relays over their 1♣ opening by any normal definition of that term and also employs several partial relay sequences over 2♣. This East hand would be a 1♣ opener in RM Precision. I won't get into a longer discussion about IMPrecision - that is Adam's system and I consider it a high quality method. The reason why I have particular confidence in it here is that this is a really good hand for parity controls, meaning that the auction is likely to be low enough for all the necessary information to be uncovered in time.
Posted 2023-December-22, 13:35
AL78, on 2023-December-21, 17:44, said:
I was West and hoped to get the hand across with a strong jump shift followed by rebidding the clubs to get the suit quality across. 7NT is cold as is 7♣, even 7♦ makes on a finesse. Do you have a way to get to a grand?
(1) "10-21, 5+ S, unBAL"
(2) "NAT (GF), not-too-unBAL (GF) or FIT (INV+)"
(3) "16-18, 4+ D, neither (exactly) 5-5 nor 5440"
(4) relay
(5) usually either 5242 (and 16-18 hcp), 6S4D(21) (and 15-17 hcp) or 6+S4+D0C (and "15+")
(6) relay
(7) 6S4D(21) (and 15-17 hcp)
(8) key card ask with D as trumps
(9) odd # of key cards, no trump Q
(10) ♠K ask
(11) ♠K, 6241, ♥K, ♠Q, no ♥Q
(12) ♠J ask (here trying to find out about the ♣K (not scannable), but risking e.g. a 7♣ reply on KQJxxx-KJ-KJTx-K)
(13) no ♠J
(14) a reasonable gamble? (Yes, partner could still have KQTxxx-KJ-KJTx-K!)
Posted 2023-December-22, 15:44
1♠ - 2♣ 3+GI
2NT 6♠ extras, unbalanced - 4♣ 7+ SI self-sustaining
4♦ 2KCs - 6♣ all KCs+Q♣ no Kings to show
7NT I can count 13 tricks
Posted 2023-December-25, 16:05

Q-plus adv Acol but with the second 4C bid modified according to the above auction