pescetom, on 2023-December-08, 15:35, said:
An overtrick is certainly no issue, you are almost certainly the only one in slam (deservedly or not) even if that cost you the aggressive diamonds lead rather than a heart.
I was interested in your vision of the actual numbers: at the table, my gut feeling was a tad less than even for for the hearts hook versus a tad more for diamonds J.
I think the key is that if diamonds behave, we don’t need the heart hook….even more key is that on many layouts, consistent with the diamond lead, if the heart hook is on,we don’t need to take it…certainly we don’t need to take it until later….if South puts us to it at trick 3….again, we often don’t need it so we shouldn’t take it. It’s pretty close to what is sometimes called a practice finesse….where a declarer, not having a good plan in mind, takes a needless finesse…if it wins, break even and if it loses, get a bad result.
It’s not a perfect practice finesse situation. There are some lies where we’re going to have close to or upon fact absolutely a pure guess at the end…south with KQx and north 10xx in diamonds. Btw, south’s diamond lead, on the auction, to me suggests that he has the heart king. He may be hoping that declarer has the heart ace. If I held say xxx Kxx KQx xxxx I’d lead a diamond honour because I know hearts are producing 4 tricks on almost any layout consistent with the auction, and I’d be worried that declarer has enough winners in the blacks (on the auction, north is known to have close to and may have exactly zero hcp). In that case I have to get my diamond set up. Maybe declarer has tge heart ace or the suit is AQ10xx in dummy and xx in declarer’s hand…again, I need to get my diamond established.
This is only a slight inference because south could equally well hope his partner can stop hearts and, again, we want to get our diamond set up.
In short, I think the heart suit is very close to a toss-up, but with, say, KQ10x in diamonds and xx in hearts. South might choose a passive lead…we’re known to have minimal values for slam and the diamond bid on my left should worry me.
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