And then there was this hand
Posted 2023-October-28, 18:21
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2023-October-28, 18:53
jillybean, on 2023-October-28, 18:21, said:
Misfits don’t usually play as well as their hcp suggests, but we do have 18 hcp so that’s too much to bid 3N. Also, though rarely, partner might be 5=6 reds so even if partner takes 4N as natural (and it should be, imo) we may not be able to find hearts. Also, our clubs are bad for slam purposes
I’d stall with 3S, hoping to buy a 3N bid which I can comfortably raise to 4N
If he raises spades, he won’t have a club card and now slam doesn’t look good. If by some miracle he bids 4H, I’ll bid 6H. 1=4=5=3 hands don’t raise spades even with xxx in clubs.
Btw, if I bid 3C over 2D, I’d be promising a good 15 or so, hence my hoped-for sequence would clearly show 17+.
If he bids 4D over 3S, I bid 4H, offering the moysian while pretty much showing 5=3=1=4.
Posted 2023-October-29, 01:16
Posted 2023-October-29, 02:14
That’s my second choice and not far behind my 3S (which is, on my preferred methods, our punt…6=4 blacks bid 2S which shows 14+ since we open 2S on 9-13….obviously most don’t)
Btw, I hate 4H as a punt. You’re often end playing partner in the bidding and you’re beyond 3N which is often best, especially when you lack the values for 4N
Edit: we do use the raise if 4th suit as our punt if it’s below 3N
Posted 2023-October-29, 02:16
I'd bid 4NT here.
Posted 2023-October-29, 06:48
Posted 2023-October-29, 08:39
I did bid 4N but for the wrong reasons, this is the response I expected and I like to think I would have bid 6N
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2023-October-29, 08:43
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2023-October-29, 14:59
jillybean, on 2023-October-29, 08:39, said:
I did bid 4N but for the wrong reasons, this is the response I expected and I like to think I would have bid 6N
4N for me should be quantitative, I don't much like it but it would have worked with partner bidding 6N.
Given the West hand shown later, I don't understand why partner failed to raise 3♣ to 4♣, after which 6♣ is fairly automatic and a reasonable contract.
Posted 2023-October-30, 02:37
Posted 2023-October-30, 03:28
Playing what we play:
2N (GF not necessarily bal)-3♣ (nat)
4♣ [implies a hand better in high cards than rebidding 3♣ immediately]
and on our merry way
Posted 2023-October-30, 03:41
Posted 2023-October-30, 07:07
DavidKok, on 2023-October-30, 02:37, said:
I would play 5♣ over 4NT as invitational to slam and forcing to 5NT, which is insufficient for this hand.
If that sounds like too small a target, I seem to remember sfi suggesting 5♣ as 5=card and 6♣ as 6=card, which has some merits.
Posted 2023-October-30, 07:09
If 5♣ is forcing then it will work just fine, we can always pull 5NT to 6♣ later. I do think trying to play 5NT is too narrow a target.
Posted 2023-October-30, 07:16
DavidKok, on 2023-October-30, 07:09, said:
If 5♣ is forcing then it will work just fine, we can always pull 5NT to 6♣ later. I do think trying to play 5NT is too narrow a target.
My narrow target was inviting partner to decide between 5NT/6♣/6NT once informed of my clubs. But yes, I do retain the option to pull 5NT to 6♧.
I agree it's a sequence that doesn't make much sense here (it wasn't me that proposed anything except 4♣ over 3♣). I was thinking more in general after a 4NT quantitative invite (say 1NT 4NT; 5♣ ?).