2N forcing after immediate negative?
Posted 2023-August-26, 10:23
Secondary question, how much sense does Kokish make after 2C-2D if 2D promises a king or better?
Posted 2023-August-26, 10:57
Posted 2023-August-26, 11:03
foobar, on 2023-August-26, 10:57, said:
Could be wrong but 2C is artificial as are the 2D and 2H responses and Kokish rebid.
Also wondering if anyone plays 2C-2H*, 2S*-2N, 3L as strong, negative, puppet, acceptance, 9-trick single-suited hand.
I hate 2C openings.
Posted 2023-August-26, 11:16

Posted 2023-August-26, 11:25
I personally prefer the Marshall Miles suggestion of 2H=slammish positive without a suit (good 7/8+, 5+ 3/2/1 pts A=3). I only use double negative with cheaper minor for 2c-2d-2s-3c! and 2c-2d-2h!-2s!-3c!-3d! (Kokish, 3c = heart 1 suiter), otherwise I am going to game after opener suit rebids.
Posted 2023-August-26, 11:36
straube, on 2023-August-26, 10:23, said:
Secondary question, how much sense does Kokish make after 2C-2D if 2D promises a king or better?
In the partnership where we play 2H as immediate negative (no A or K), opener's rebids 2NT (non-forcing) and 3NT are as you implicitly suggest. You can still play Stayman and major transfers over 3NT, with opener's 4NT being natural.
Yes Kokish makes sense here, whyever not?
Posted 2023-August-26, 11:38
Stephen Tu, on 2023-August-26, 11:25, said:
I personally prefer the Marshall Miles suggestion of 2H=slammish positive without a suit (good 7/8+, 5+ 3/2/1 pts A=3). I only use double negative with cheaper minor for 2c-2d-2s-3c! and 2c-2d-2h!-2s!-3c!-3d! (Kokish, 3c = heart 1 suiter), otherwise I am going to game after opener suit rebids.
I actually floated this 2H slammish positive to partner without knowing Miles had suggested it. I was thinking of Standard Modern Precision's 1C-1H response but obvious big differences there.
Posted 2023-August-26, 15:31
Stephen Tu, on 2023-August-26, 11:25, said:
I was previously equally dismissal of the 2H "Red Flag" approach, whereby weak responder arbitrarily preempts opener with hearts or balanced in a Kokish scheme. But mikeh convinced me that a tightly defined negative of no A or K was playable and I recognised that it fits well with our system, heavily biased towards control-bids once a fit is established in a game forcing situation. Yes it interferes with Kokish in terms of precise HCP definition of "balanced" hands, but opposite a responder with no A or K (and possibly a complete bust) two ranges of 2NT 22-24 and 3NT 25+ are probably sufficient. "Systems" over 3NT are undoubtedly very primitive, but quite likely to work all the same the one time a year it happens.
In our limited experience playing it, I don't remember problems or disappointments. Yes we can stop lower than before, both with opener balanced (previously the lowest range was 22-23 tightly defined by Kokish, now 22-24) and with opener unbalanced (follow ups are natural and non-forcing). I struggle to see why 2C-2H-3H should be forcing opposite a thinking partner with a smattering of quacks and the capacity to evalutate your possible distribution. Although I guess this is closely linked to how strong your RA requires unbalanced 2C to be and how literally any "game forcing" criterium is interpreted.
Posted 2023-August-26, 17:46
pescetom, on 2023-August-26, 15:31, said:
I just don't see hands where 2H bust creates a better result for your side. What sequences do you think you are winning on?
I don't use Kokish the way some people suggest to create these many precise 2 pt NT range ladders. I don't see the big win in that either. I thought originally the Kokish sequence you just put all the 25+ into the 2c-2d-2h-2s-2nt, and with say 28+ you just bid again over a game signoff. The main thing is give responder stayman and transfers over 25-27 without ever risking 4nt or 5M unnecessarily over this range.
2c-2d-3nt I just play as "I want to play 3nt", long suit, give up on slam when responder doesn't have a slam positive response, typically long minor and stoppers.
What does opener do with a heart/club huge 2 suiter? responder might be sitting there with some 3145 hand, think his hand is worthless in hearts, yet you are cold for 6 clubs? Now one can do some special things like use 2c-2h-2S!-2nt!-3? as I think straube suggested to show a non-gf 1 suiter, 2S no longer showing spades, and be able to pass 3H that way. But without that, I don't see how responder can just pass 3H; opener though frequently is one suited hearts, isn't always.
I just want to see someone describe the wins for 2H bust vs. other approaches. I think using 2d neg, preserving Kokish, handles things better and you can still stop in 3H/3S if opener has a one-suiter and responder a bust.
Posted 2023-August-26, 20:38
2♠ is a puppet to 2N then 3 of suit is non-forcing
so 3 of suit by opener is forcing
article on can be found at
Posted 2023-August-27, 01:58
Instead assign bids to get to the best strain and to leave room for responder to make a positive slam try.
Lastly if the auction starts 2♣-2♥ and you wish to bid a NF 3♥ it is also worth considering passing.
Posted 2023-August-27, 09:35
DavidKok, on 2023-August-27, 01:58, said:
Instead assign bids to get to the best strain and to leave room for responder to make a positive slam try.
That's what we do in my other partnerships, where 2♦ only denies a robust self-standing suit and all of opener's rebids except NT are game forcing.
That's also what most of the room is playing over here, so if we do stay out of a bad game it is a top.
My limited experience so far is that giving responder the chance to stay out of game or slam when he has no A or K pays off at MP.
I still have an open mind on whether or not it proves to be better than the disease in the long term (or at IMPs).
It's a very marginal gain in any case, I agree there are more glaring defects in most strong 2♣ openings to address.
DavidKok, on 2023-August-27, 01:58, said:
Yes you do have the option of Pass too, although I find it hard to imagine a 2♣ opener that would rebid hearts yet has no chance of game opposite any hand without a K: Partner is still there and capable of evaluating his hand, which could have any quack you are missing and might have shapely fit or a decent minor (not strong enough to show initially).
Posted 2023-August-27, 12:28
Given the OP's restriction of being compelled to play 2♥ as DN, it probably makes most sense to play 2N as NF.
Posted 2023-August-27, 12:30
Curious if anyone can run their own sim and weigh in on what they are seeing. Atul was with me when I looked at hands and we were seeing the same thing.
Posted 2023-August-27, 13:11
* Hint:
Posted 2023-August-27, 15:21
straube, on 2023-August-27, 12:30, said:
It's not clear what 2H red flag response you contemplate: denying a K or A as discussed here, or a more traditional definition (some maximum of HCP?) which you do not spell out.
Nor is it clear to me why the 2N rebid with a clear and narrow range should be forcing, if partner is still there (in other partnerships like many we play 2♣-2♦; 2NT as 22-23 NF when 2♦ could be a Yarborough and there is no 2H red flag).
Posted 2023-August-27, 15:30
nullve, on 2023-August-27, 13:11, said:
* Hint:
In addition to the above, this illustrates the wastefulness of the 2♣ - 2♥ (DN) convention by constraining dealer to exactly 22 HCPs. The 0/1 point (6%) hands that ostensibly want to land on a dime are dwarfed by the rest of the hands that likely want to be in game.
condition hcp(north) == 22 action frequency(hcp(south),0,18)
Frequency :
0 466
1 888
2 1304
3 1901
4 2416
5 2577
6 2621
7 2447
8 2129
9 1606
10 1171
11 690
12 431
13 232
14 112
15 48
16 11
17 6
18 0
Posted 2023-August-28, 09:41
"There's usually a better place". Sure there are frequently - maybe more frequently that most think - better places to play, but responder (who actually can see their hand, oddly enough) is allowed to think. NF != to play.
Maybe making it forcing for an afternoon at the bidding table, to drive out the "I only have 2 jacks, let's pass and hope" in favour of "try anything" attitude into something closer to what works IRL would be good. But provided 2NT is itself limited, let responder use her eyes and brain.
Posted 2023-August-28, 10:14
Granted that most of opener's balanced hands are 22 but we have a problem finding the best strain when opener has 24+. Leaping to 3N with both 9 tricks and stoppers vs 24+ balanced is not ideal.
So the question is whether rebidding 2N as forcing will have enough wins when you combine the hands that DO want to force game and find the best strain with those hands that DON'T want to force game but could wind up making game anyway, perhaps in a better strain than NT. There's also a small percentage that could break even after 2C-2H, 2N-transfer, acceptance with a 2-fit or very minimum 3-fit.
So it's polling unanimously for making 2C-2H, 2N as nf but I disagree that it's a stupid question to ask. Personally I think one has to slog through a bunch of hands (many more than I've done) to ferret out whether the 2N rebid has more wins as forcing or not.
Posted 2023-August-28, 10:37
I transfer to my 5-to-the-Q and out. If that's NF, then partner has to break the transfer with any 24+. But if I decide not to do that, and partner bids game, and I have 25, now what?
I play Birthright/Kokish Relay, and yeah, that means I can't play 2♥ U-N, whether it's "no controls" or "no cards". Well, I can, but it changes the hands we're trying to handle - now it's "game or slam", not "22 or 25 vs a jack".
I am willing to have poor, "hope it's good enough" auctions with truly huge hands. They don't come up enough. I'd rather have good, careful auctions with the less uncommon hands. if I was really concerned about this, I'd switch to a strong club system that doesn't, as you say, preempt myself so much.
(heh, I had one this weekend I've never had before. "So, I'll open 2NT on this flat 20 in third seat. Oh, RHO is reaching into the box. Unfortunate, what's the preeempt? 1♣? *Precision*?")