Do you open?
Posted 2023-August-16, 06:40
Acol, MPs, game all, pass on your right. Do you open and if so what?
Posted 2023-August-16, 07:24
I would not pass this hand.
Posted 2023-August-16, 08:07
Posted 2023-August-16, 08:12
Posted 2023-August-16, 08:24
Posted 2023-August-16, 09:11
Partner held ♠A853 ♥64 ♦AKQ ♣QT95 and made 10 tricks. The heart jack didn't drop but East got endplayed into giving partner the club queen.
Posted 2023-August-16, 09:20
Posted 2023-August-16, 12:20
Posted 2023-August-17, 01:48
I would pass, but 2H is ok, if partner knowes, that a w2 can be based 5.
I dont open with less than 10HCP, a rule I follow for years, and it works for me.
The downside of 2H is, that you have a void, and 3 card spade support, some say
it is too much, ... I dont care, but being in 2nd seat takes the pressure of
to act immediately.
If you trust in your judgement giving your time to listen pays of sometimes, if
you play with a lesser exp. p, it helps to.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2023-August-17, 09:53
It’s a great hand for 2H showing weak two values with 5H and 5 in another suit, but I think it’s too dangerous to open other than at favourable.
The problems with 1H include:
1. Our rebid. Yes, we have a five card diamond suit, but it’s not a suit in which we want to play game or (shudder) slam should partner have a good hand and no heart fit nor long spades….would we be surprised if he held long clubs? Moreover, while we can get away with one diamond bid, how do we handle, say, 1H 2C 2D 2N/3C? And do we at any time want to suggest a diamond lead or switch?
2. Unless partner is going to play us for a 9 count, opening at the one level may get partner either overbidding in our unobstructed auction or over-competing in a contested auction, or doubling in the expectation that we have a little more. While our heart holding is as good as one wants, for defensive purposes, the rest of the hand is sadly lacking. Yes, I’d open at all vulnerabilities with the Jack of diamonds, which usually won’t be an important defensive card, but one has to draw the line somewhere, or end up opening ever lighter.
The problems with a weak 2H include:
1. The suit is too short and, paradoxically, too strong. A weak two is a hybrid creature….both constructive (especially vulnerable or at equal) and obstructive. I’d far rather open 2H on KQJxx than AKQxx…the former won’t usually take more than one trick on defence….not only may an opponent have some shortness but we may need to drive out the ace and have a way to get back in. Consider defending notrump when the opps are 3=3 in the suit and can duck one round. AKQxx, otoh, is a good defensive holding.
2. Our hand has great playability in spades or diamonds should partner hold real length in either, yet we may struggle to find our fit after 2C, especially in diamonds. Of course, passing doesn’t guarantee that we can find such a fit either, but (especially when partner has a decent hand) our chances are likely improved by passing.
I’ve been opening lighter and lighter in recent years, partly because a move to 14-16 1N (as our strong notrump) meshes well with an opening bid style wherein we open all 11 counts. In one partnership we open lots of 10 counts with good shape (hence I’d open with Jxxxx in diamonds). However, 2/1 methods occasionally struggle with defining ranges after a 2/1 response, because the opening bid range is so extreme, compared to forcing club methods. While opening light creates problems for the opps, one has to balance this with recognizing that ever-lighter opening bids make constructive bidding, especially in the near-slam range, increasingly difficult.
I confess to a strong imp bias, at which form of the game slam bidding is far more important than it is at mps. Disaster avoidance is also more important at imps than mps, where if a 1H opening results in a bad board, it’s only one board. We might recover that zero by making an overtrick in 1N next hand…at imps, we’d need a lot of overtrick imps to make up for a disaster.
Btw, if one sees this as an opening bid, I think one needs to ensure that one’s convention card accurately disclosed one’s style. I find that this sort of thing is often ignored by its proponents, sometimes in the mistaken belief that ‘this is just bridge’ but, I suspect, usually because we don’t believe in active ethics. ‘Light initial action’, or some such, should be disclosed….in ACBLand, under General Approach.
Finally, if I did play a forcing club, I’d open 1H all the time, but I’d be disclosing it.
Posted 2023-August-17, 10:23
mikeh, on 2023-August-17, 09:53, said:
Btw, if one sees this as an opening bid, I think one needs to ensure that one’s convention card accurately disclosed one’s style. I find that this sort of thing is often ignored by its proponents, sometimes in the mistaken belief that ‘this is just bridge’ but, I suspect, usually because we don’t believe in active ethics. ‘Light initial action’, or some such, should be disclosed….in ACBLand, under General Approach.
Add the point-top jacks, and it's a no-choice opening in 1956 Goren. (Also in later-day Roth.) As it is, it's a no choice pass in 1956 Goren.
Make the diamonds J10xxx, and it's a hand you should want to open. It would be optional in Goren but not in Roth.
Posted 2023-August-20, 07:32
Posted 2023-August-30, 06:53