pescetom, on 2023-June-11, 11:08, said:
@thepossum, your time is up
mikeh has most angles covered and is awesomely close. So at least I take a little credit for playing a small club towards the Q, which held, and then another club covering the T with K. One down all the same.
Here is the actual layout.
Of course it is a bit of a freak, otherwise 3NT would be unlikely to be possible without collaboration of the defence.
The intriguing thing is that I think it can only be made following thepossum's line.
Sorry, but my analysis was crap. I had had a couple of pints, following a club game,but that’s no excuse for truly shoddy analysis
I utterly failed to think about the position at trick four…heart won in dummy, club to the queen, club to the king, losing, and back a heart, won in hand
I have a serious lack of entries, which I completely overlooked. It’s not the first time that I got so wrapped up in multiple possible forks in the play that I forgot an important detail about the actual hand. Sorry.
Ironically I’d be forced into a diamond to the ace, felling the king
As far as I can see, the hand fails against best defence thereafter but it’s actually a fascinating hand, with ample opportunity for both defenders, but especially north, to screw up
Bear in mind that after a diamond to the ace and driving out the last club stop, NS can never play any suit but spades! Let us on dummy and we have nine tricks.
I’ll leave the details for interested readers, but it gets messy. Hint…north has to be careful.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari