Perhaps it is just the randomness of the discards, that makes me remember, when it match the actual holding, and just not notice, when it doesn't match
But let us look at an example from yesterdays Challenge - this is NOT the advanced bots
You quickly bid to 6♠, and the West bot lead ♥J to the King (♥8 from East)
This is a fine slam, as all you need is to find where ♣A is located, and Mortons fork Coup is present (https://www.bridgebu...s_fork_coup.php)
Normally I would expect East to hold ♣A more than 50% of the time as West might have lead it, but I am not sure about the bots leading principles
Now all followed to two rounds of ♠, and you have arrived at the decision point.
Is the ♣A at east or West?
Well, just playing it like normal bridge, I cashed one more round of trump (ending in dummy), to see some discards, and West threw ♣3 and East♣9.
So did that change anything?
Now, we players might assume that a high card is encouraging, but as bots don't intentionally signal it is probably not the case, but still it signals something to us, as the bots often drops the highest card it can afford.
♠ is 2-2
♦ is probably 4-4 as no ♦-discards
So clubs seems to be 4-4 or 5-3, but assuming 4-4 based on the discards, it seems both opponents are 2344
Have you made up your mind?