This takeout double may well not be to your taste, but would you dream of bidding 3♦ in the circumstances ?
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Yet another inspired takeout response
Posted 2023-April-27, 15:41
Excellent example of a canape response to T/O double. IIRC this is Bridge 101.
Posted 2023-April-27, 16:05
GIB always prefers minors to majors when jumping over a takeout double. It's really annoying Just a case of the rule being too generic - if you have any 5 card suit with the right values, bid it - and it testing bids in the order CDHS.
Posted 2023-April-27, 16:21
The "customer" bid so poorly that GIB probably thought it might just compound the silliness.
"The King of Hearts a broadsword bears, the Queen of Hearts a rose." W. H. Auden.
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