Using hierarchical clustering to generate a bidding system
Posted 2023-April-20, 03:49
I am currently toying with a fairly simple idea:
Assume that opps aren't going to interfere (ok, we will relax that assumption at some point but walk before you run blah blah. Also, for optimizing sequences that take place after both opps have passed it may be a reasonable simplification).
We know that the optimal relay system allocates F(i) hand types to the i'th most expensive bid where F is the Fibonacci sequence. But then you have to think about relay breaks and captaincy appointment so I prefer to optimize the system for 2-way information exchange. So the proportion of hand types allocated to the bids are 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 etc.
This is nice because we can then just organize the hand types in a balanced binary tree using hierarchical clustering. So in 1st seat, for example, it could be
Pass = Left daughter
1♣ = Right daughter of right daughter
1♦ = Right daughter of left daughter of right daughter
We have some decisions to make:
- When to branch left and when to branch right? In a non-GF situation maybe we should allocate bids so as to allow partner to pass as often as possible, especially when we are in danger of coming too high. But this is difficult to formalize in a way that can be implemented efficiently so I thought that a simple approximation would be to go low with the subtree that minimizes the expectation of PAR^p, where p might be 0.5 or thereabouts
- Criteria for passing In general we should pass on some hands where the last bid may not be the optimal contract (when in a hole, stop digging). I am not sure how to formalize it. For now, I think I will just tell it to pass whenever the expected loss relative to PAR is less than say 1 IMP. Maybe the expectation of LostIMP^q where q is 2 or thereabouts?
- Distance metric for clustering Here I will use the same metric that I used in my previous attempts (where I used an induction algorithm, i.e. top-down rather than the bottom-up approach of hierarchical clustering): the distance between two hands is the expected IMP loss if partner has to place the contract without being able to tell the two hands apart.
- Aggregation of distances to produce subtree-distances There's mean and median and minimax etc. I always just use whatever the software gives me by default, but if there's someone here who is into machine learning maybe they can suggest something more intelligent? Extending the "partner-can't-tell-them-apart" definition to subtrees would be ideal but probably too computationally demanding.
- Presentation of the system I have generated 1800 clusters of hands a priori which means that in 1st seat, pass will be defined as (either of 900 hand types), 1♣ as (either of 450 hand types) etc. It would be nice to try to find natural-language summaries of those hand type clusters, such as "unbalanced without a 6-card major, 10-16 points" or whatever. Anybody knows of a package (preferably for R or C++) that can do something like that?
- Benchmarking Csaba has a script that can bid and play hands using GIB so that would be a reasonable comparator.
Any thoughts?
Posted 2023-April-20, 04:18
helene_t, on 2023-April-20, 03:49, said:
......<lots of stuff I no longer feel able to comment on>
Any thoughts?
I have many thoughts on the matter which are constrained by rustiness of knowledge to critique anything you said, restricted by my politeness, and informed by experience and cynicism (or do I mean skepticism)
Maybe one day I will be made to look foolish and arrogant
I will wait and read any intelligent comments
PS You may think I am somewhat flippant and disrespectful. When I have fewer whiskies inside me I will try to understand what you wrote
Posted 2023-April-20, 05:54
Posted 2023-April-20, 09:21
helene_t, on 2023-April-20, 03:49, said:
helene_t, on 2023-April-20, 03:49, said:
helene_t, on 2023-April-20, 03:49, said:
thepossum, on 2023-April-20, 04:18, said:
Posted 2023-April-20, 09:59
DavidKok, on 2023-April-20, 09:21, said:
Trying to reduce the entropy of possible best final contracts by log(2) on each step of the bidding is a good strategy for maximising information density, but it does not coincide with maximising our bridge score.
Posted 2023-April-20, 16:42
I agree it's a bit problematic to say that we should just split left with 50% of hands (or some 39% in a relay system) as it begs the question whether it means 50% of hands or 50% of the probability mass (taking into account that some hands are more likely than others given opps' silence) or 50% of hand "types" whatever that means. Ideally you should make cheap bids (little immediate information exchange but lots of space saved for future information exchange) with hands that can't know now what info partner wants, and more expensive bids with hands that have an unusual story to tell which partner surely would like to hear.
So for example, with a solid 7-card suit and nothing else you open 3NT, while with some 5431-hand you start low, not only because the safety level is lower but also because we don't know yet whether it is the 3-card spades or the 5-card clubs that is more interesting to partner.
My approach doesn't rely on such considerations, at least not explicitly so it might well fail. But maybe knowing-which-feature-partner-wants-to-know-about correlates well enough with safety level that it won't be too bad just to split left or right based on safety level.
With respect to the question of whether entropy of the optimal contract is a useful metric, it is maybe a question that would be interesting to research in isolation. Last time we discussed AI-generated bidding systems (https://www.bridgeba...ed-by-computer/), Tysen used entropy of the optimal contract while I used IMPs lost. There were too many other differences between our approaches to tell if entropy vs IMPs was a reason for the different results we got, though.
Posted 2023-April-21, 00:35
Apart from my ignorance of relay systems (irrelevant to my concerns) I am still skeptical
I have hopefully a few reasonably intelligent questions
1. It seems that all these things, whether bidding systems or anything complex, require a huge amount of human intelligence to start them off and keep them on track
2. Helene. Do you have the criteria you used to cluster your hands in the first place - I know a little about clustering and "natural language" labelling but it usually requires human selected attributes to start dividing up or clustering your variance - I know there are tools that can analyse all kinds of things, pull out patterns and group overlapping variance and maybe come up with a descriptor that means something to a Bridge player - sounds complicated to me - I imagine a very innovative system could come up with descriptors that mean nothing. Maybe they would be forced to break with the WBF and other major bodies and start a rival form of the game with their own directors. One of them tries unsuccessfully to be elected to the rules committee etc
3. Sorry. Do you have a public GitHub project or anything like that?
oops 4. While ignorant of relay systems I am a bit less ignorant after today but they still would do my limited brain capacity in
sorry 5. As a person occasionally involved in academic modelling - practical and theoretical - I do not mean to be disrespectful at all when I say how we always have to reduce things to some extremely simplified scenario and then eventually (never) make things more complicated and real. At least hopefully it improves knowledge and informs in some way
sorry 6. Final question. Have any mainly computer/AI generated systems ever been used at top level competition
What will really impress me is the day someone gives a robot the rules of bridge, maybe a few million expert hands, it thinks for a few minutes then wins the world championship with their friend. My final skeptical observation and prediction is that any intelligent robot would observe who wins things and how they bid and play
Posted 2023-April-21, 03:13
thepossum, on 2023-April-21, 00:35, said:
So far I have just clustered them by exact number of hearts and spades, number of clubs and diamonds in 2-points brackets (0-1, 2-3 etc) and number of HCPs in two-point brackets. It would be nice to have texture information also, but the problem is that even with the current crude clustering criteria, I get some 1800 clusters which is about the limit of what I can manage effectively. When both partners can have either of 1800 hand types, there are some 3 million deal types so I generated 100 million deals to make sure that most deal types are represented by a reasonable sample size. I can't do much more than this without breaking my computer.
What could easily be done is replacing HCPs and suit length with some estimate of the hand's playing strength in each of the denominations, that wouldn't necesarilly be higher dimensional than what I do now.
What I could also do is to switch to a different model once a GF has been established and a fit found. The we would have more parameters but fewer hands possible.
Posted 2023-April-21, 03:52
Trying to reduce the entropy of best final contract by log(2) each step sounded nice to me when I wrote it, but should be impossible. Not counting sacrifices there are only 21 possible optimal contracts (lowest partscore, game, small and grand slam in each denomination, and passout). If we could really reduce entropy by log(2) each step we should be able to be reasonably certain about the final contract after 5 steps or so, i.e. get our small versus grand slam decisions right at the 1NT level. Even if we allow some 'free' bidding space by claiming that the lowest playable partscores are 1NT, 2♥, 2♠, 3♣ and 3♦ the same logic holds.
The old thread's comments on multi-meaning bids are important and relevant. In my mind a final working product would be something along the lines of "on the auction thus far, we have shown one of the following hand types <list>, while partner has shown one of the following hand types <other list>. Based on simulations of my actual hand facing partner's possible hands, our next bids should clarify trick-taking potential in a certain strain". A reasonable example would be asking partner for extra shape (i.e. show increased trick-taking potential in their longest suit), clarify a multi-meaning bid or show min/max range information (i.e. show increased trick-taking potential across the board).
One huge brute force option I was thinking of is setting a (global?) maximum of possible meanings per bid, i.e. 4 or so, and requiring that each subsequent bid is a subset of the previous ones. This would give each bid on each auction around 40 weights (min and max length of each suit and in HCP means 10 values per possible meaning, times the maximum allowed number of meanings). I'd also require that these are all mutually exclusive with the other options at each round - i.e. each hand only has one system bid, and each of the categories in each bid are cleanly split (note that standard bidding systems usually don't do this, but we have to start somewhere). Then a cost function of reaching good/bad contracts could help optimise these values. Hopefully the system would gravitate to something like "it is important to clarify suit length/offer extra length when you have it". The main issue is the explosion of the system size, so maybe a good start would be to start this approach with a mini-bridge equivalent. Some restrictions that I think are interesting (and mentioned in that other thread) include:
- No interference, to simplify.
- Only score for getting to the right denomination, not caring about level (but include the fact that majors pay better somehow?).
- Only allow two full rounds of bidding, to reduce complexity.
- Force a certain start to the bidding, e.g. North opens a strong (15-17) notrump, as a proof of concept.
- Simplify even further, and use the above approach (force 15-17 NT and give responder something in the 10-14 range) but only allow 3NT, 4♥ or 4♠ as final contracts and see how well that can be optimised with this approach.
Posted 2023-April-21, 14:45
Posted 2023-April-21, 15:40
Posted 2023-April-21, 20:03
Posted 2023-April-22, 05:16
thepossum, on 2023-April-21, 00:35, said:
I have a GitHub account and I also make ShinyApps but I am really not good at software engineering (my last IT job was 21 years ago) so I wouldn't encourage anyone to try to use any of my code. Once I get something that is worth sharing I will do so, but it will be in the form of ShinyApps or bare-bone algorithm implementations. Not anything like a software engineering project.
I don't think such a system has ever been used by humans at all. There was one reasonably playable AI system published a few years ago but the problem is that even if such a system would be technically great, it might be impossible to memorize, and it may be illegal.
Posted 2023-April-22, 08:52
Gilithin, on 2023-April-21, 20:03, said:
Good points.
Maybe the award for allowing partner to pass could be made dependent on captaincy?
Also, it is possible that this exercise could lead to a crude draft which could subsequently be refined by a genetic algorithm or such.
Posted 2023-April-22, 12:08
helene_t, on 2023-April-22, 08:52, said:
Maybe the award for allowing partner to pass could be made dependent on captaincy?
Also, it is possible that this exercise could lead to a crude draft which could subsequently be refined by a genetic algorithm or such.
As I mentioned, there are various solutions. One as you suggest is to have a pure captaincy system. A simpler one is to borrow from modern approach-forcing and simply say that a bid is only not forcing if the hand making it has limited itself in some way. As opposed to the original approach-forcing where a bid is by default non-forcing. Coming from an Acol background, it occurs to me you might find that method comforting, even though theory has determined it to be inefficient. Finally, a popular solution on these forums is to use the first round of bidding to determine the range of the hands and take it from there. If you look at the systems from Adam and Zelandakh, they both essentially start by defining a range as partscore-inv; inv-game; or game-slam and then refine the rest of the auction to optimise for that range. No doubt there are a few other solutions too. Sadly I cannot tell you which is best though; ideally a true AI-generated bidding system would answer that question for us!
Posted 2023-April-25, 03:15
I would like the players to decide whether to pass based on:
- How much will passing on average lose relative to the best contract above?
- How much will each higher contract gain relative to pass, and what is the SD across partner's hands? Generally, higher contracts weight more as we will be more likely to be able to find them, but generally if any higher contract has a high gain/SD then we know what contract is better than pass so we shouldn't pass.
- How much does partner already know about our hand? If they know a lot then we have more freedom to seek contract improvement and should pass less often
Maybe I am missing something important.
I was thinking of starting with a fairly restrictive auction termination criterion, which will probably lead to many contracts that are too high. And then post-hoc generate a dataset of opportunities to improve the contract by passing earlier, and fit a regression model that can identify those opportunities.
Posted 2023-April-25, 11:21
Make sure that you can replicate a set of existing logic.
if / when you're able to do do this then it makes sense to branch out and consider how to dynamically generate a system.
FWIW, I think that being able to evaluate the relative efficiency of different competing termination systems is both
1. Extremely valuable in and of itself
2. A necessary first step towards what you're eventually trying to accomplish
Posted 2023-April-27, 13:00
Pass: Less than 14 points, club length
1c: 8-17 points
1d: 10+ points, spade length
1h: 14-21 points, diamond length
1s: 14-17 points, short clubs
1N: 18-21 points, both majors
2c: 20+ points, short clubs
2d: 22+ points, short clubs
2h: 22+ points, [4261]
2s: 22+ points, [2461]
2N: 22+ points, [3361]
It is a bit weird with all those bids showing club shortage, while the strong hands with long clubs being scatered randomly. Hopefully a system optimized to auctions where opps are going to interfere will be more inteligeble as you then can't rely on plenty of bidding space to resolve your shape later.
I must admit my enthusiasm for this approach is cooled a bit. In the old thread, since I optimized the openings to partner giving a punt immediately, the openings tended to be quite descriptive, but here it's like each opening bid is just a random pile of stuff that will be resolved later.
Posted 2023-April-27, 13:42
Helene, I'm a little confused with your description of your pass. Is it 0-8 any or up to 14 with clubs?
Posted 2023-April-27, 13:59
straube, on 2023-April-27, 13:42, said:
Helene, I'm a little confused with your description of your pass. Is it 0-8 any or up to 14 with clubs?
It is a bit loose, most of the hands that pass will have 0-13 points and 3+ clubs. But all the 1suit openings have some weird variants also.