TylerE, on 2023-April-18, 20:08, said:
What bid are you proposing as a psych?
1 NT is a psych. It didn't affect the contract reached but affected the play on trick 2 - I do accept, given the number of points in a regular pack that maybe East's bid was also a psych
EDIT I should be more diplomatic and measured. Even as someone who likes to bid light occasionally and be flexible with hand shapes I think anonymous top's bid was a bit of a stretch even for me
- I will further add in anonymous top's defence that it has some legitimate NT quality but the top scorer was alone in finding it. I didn't even consider it - still have things to learn as I said
EDIT 2. And the way the bid highlights both bidding and play mechanisms with GiB is a curiosity at least to me, if not more experienced old hands. If it can go to slam with only 32 out of around 45-50 points and go for an overtrick with an obvious finesse - sorry not an overtrick - it appears to be missing an Ace but maybe can see a play. Who knows how many Aces there are in the pack anyway