Good practical bidding problem from the BBO jungle. Don't mistake a random BBO 'expert' for your regular partner. The case for three diamonds is two fold. (1) partner may be an idiot (as was the case), and 3 diamonds is idiot proof. (2) partner needs both diamond honours and a heart stop or two heart stops (opposite my little bit of help) and one diamond honour to make 3NT. Partner should have less than a opening strong NT hand, else 2NT was a silly underbid. I would expect about 13-14 HCP and a good (possibly double, given my help) heart stop. With HCP rather thin for a 3NT contract, the aforementioned heart/diamond holdings must be crucial and may not be there. That said, 3NT is the right call, IMO. Passing 2NT is hopeless.
What is your Call @imps profile of partner says expert
Posted 2005-July-04, 01:12
I vote for 3♦if my p is expert.....then if my p is beginner i will bid 3nt, i can always play 6♦ in this hand or 5♦ if my p have 1 stop in ♥ and haven't a good hand as
Due sono le cose di cui sono sicuro:
1) Dell'universo che e' infinito
2) Della stupidita' umana
Della prima non ne sono nemmeno tanto sicuro....
1) Dell'universo che e' infinito
2) Della stupidita' umana
Della prima non ne sono nemmeno tanto sicuro....