This is an open question for the GiB developers...
Should some hands be removed from a score where there are enough reports of the AI going AWOL?
We all agree that the robots are only human and will get things wrong sometimes. Chances are that this will have a negative impact on your score and your sanity (see any post about Argine!)
If we consider 2 types of error.
One where the AI has been duped (for example where you upgrade a hand and it counts the points wrong).
The other is where the programming database is wrong (Argine) or the AI blunders (Argine and occasionally GiB)
In the second case, if enough people who played the hand reported it, could it be removed from the general score.
Even if enough people did not report it maybe anything where 1/2 the scores are -7 down could be removed.
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What to do when the robots get it wrong
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