What do you bid pretty strong with 8 card C
Posted 2005-July-01, 02:02
Posted 2005-July-01, 02:53
I will x 4H
Posted 2005-July-01, 04:47
mike777, on Jul 1 2005, 06:04 AM, said:
P is a passed hand and I expect them to have nothing.
ITA Mike

Had I been 2nd bidder I would have started with 2♣ though

Posted 2005-July-01, 05:11
Partner is still allowed to have 10pts or even 5 spades so we could have game easily in 3NT/4♠/5♣.
Posted 2005-July-01, 05:37
Posted 2005-July-01, 05:53
Why should we unilaterally ignore partner in the decision process we can describe our strength and shape quite eloquently...
♥ 7
♦ Q
♣ AQ987652
What do u bid with
♠ JTx
♥ x
♦ x
♣ AQ987652
for example...
1♥-X Guess I'm showing a goodish hand with either tolerance for any suit OR a long suit of my own with 16+ pts (Oh thats what I have).
Over 2♦ I bid 3♣
Over 1♠ I can bid 2♣
Over 1NT (not impossible) bid 3NT or 3♣ not sure which
Over 2♠ I can bid 3♣ should be forcing surely and possibly get to 4♠
It also gives us the chance to penalise 4♥ etc as I do have some nice defensive tricks!
Posted 2005-July-01, 08:32
1H X 4H 5D from partner, holding 6 diamonds to the KJT and a singleton club.
This is why double is a revolting bid.
#29 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2005-July-01, 16:18
Posted 2005-July-01, 16:34
- hrothgar
Posted 2005-July-01, 16:54
(1) LHO's expected number of hearts is about three. He's a passed hand. He's not likely to bid 4♥.
(2) We have 15 hcp. People often open light in 3rd seat. There's no real reason to think opponents have the majority of the strength, much less strength for game. No reason to think RHO will bid 4♥ over a single raise.
Pretty much all the arguments I've seen for 5♣ state, one way or another, that opponents are about to bid 4♥ and this will maximize the pressure on them to double or bid 5♥. But it seems to me that the vast majority of the time you bid 5♣, you will be passed out or doubled. Normally the double comes when RHO has a big hand or when LHO has KJx of club, and in either case you go for a number. 5♣ will probably go down at least as often as it makes when it passes out. Given that we have three defensive tricks, how likely is it really that opponents were about to bid and make 4♥? I just don't see it. Why preempt when you have the best hand at the table?
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2005-July-01, 17:07
and now, are you happy for not having said you hold EIGHT clubs? Are you going to butt-in 5♣ in the dark, or double 4♥ and find out it makes?
Isn't it better to bid 4 or 5♣ and double later if they bid on? If it goes
now you can double to show a decent preempt with a side trick or two. Pard will probably be able to help a bit here, whereas in the first case he'd be much more in the dark as to the number of clubs tricks our side can take in a opps heart contract. Something that can make all the difference...
Posted 2005-July-01, 17:13
whereagles, on Jul 1 2005, 06:07 PM, said:
and now, are you happy for not having said you hold EIGHT clubs? Are you going to butt-in 5♣ in the dark, or double 4♥ and find out it makes?
Isn't it better to bid 4 or 5♣ and double later if they bid on? If it goes
now you can double to show a decent preempt with a side trick or two. Pard will probably be able to help a bit here, whereas in the first case he'd be much more in the dark as to the number of clubs tricks our side can take in a opps heart contract. Something that can make all the difference...
As mentioned before... this auction to 4♥ is not that likely. LHO has more hearts than expected for the raise, and RHO actually has enough to bid game over it? Seems like this puts opponents on a max in high card points and a longer-than-average heart fit.
If I bid 4♣ initially, partner will certainly take some phantom sacrifices against 4♥ -- he will not think one defensive trick is enough. If I bid 4♣ and then double, does partner know to pull with no defense? If he does pull, isn't it an automatic double from opponents (and almost surely a right decision on their part)? If 4♣ passes out, now I lose both when it goes down and when it makes an overtrick... lousy odds really.
I don't think an initial 5♣ bid makes it much harder for opponents to go right. Bidding 5♥ is going to be wrong, and they're not going to bid it. In fact they are more likely to (wrongly) bid up to 5♥ if I start with 2♣.
But again, all of this is predicated on the assumption that opponents have a big heart fit and about to bid game in hearts. Why do you think that's even probable?
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2005-July-01, 17:34
i'd bid 5c and be more worried about missing a slam than going down
Posted 2005-July-01, 17:38
or worst:
Where 3D is a support jump shift, and 3H is a sign off.
They are having a good auction to what is likely to be their best spot. If you bid 5C now, they'll be much more likely to get it right. In the third case, LHO would likely bid 5H over your 5C, and they'd be 2 levels higher than they'd want to be.
- hrothgar
Posted 2005-July-01, 17:40
luke warm, on Jul 1 2005, 06:34 PM, said:
i'd bid 5c and be more worried about missing a slam than going down
I have never seen the auction 1H-2C getting passed out with an 8-card suit. If it does get passed out, partner is likely to have really short clubs and a decent hand.
- hrothgar
Posted 2005-July-01, 17:51
Posted 2005-July-01, 18:04
vul vs vul
I bid 5d and was the only one in field who bid 5d immed.
Down 3 but no x.
But most of field played 4h making or 5dx with slower bidding.
Of course a few pairs got a top board defending 3h.
Posted 2005-July-01, 19:08
It could be wrong, but make them guess.
And you might make it.