So, for those unaware, let me tell you (rant) about bridge at Yahoo's:
- At Yahoo-Bridge experts play at "advanced" tables. The most prominent feature of an "advanced" player is his understanding that bridge is, above all, a game of quick reaction. Once you stop clicking on cards, rest assured at least one player at the table will tell you "Faster please", "Faster", '"Fast", "FASTER" or "FASTER!!!". If you don't immediately click on a card then he will either boot you or, when unable to do so, leave himself. This is usually followed by several people coming to the table and, seeing that you are in the middle of a hand, leaving right away.
- At Yahoo-Bridge don't bother saying "Hi". Nobody else does. Unless you come to a particularly cheerful table you come in silence, you leave in silence.
(The equivalent of a greeting at Yahoo-Bridge is "Clear score" or "Faster" which has the advantage of immediately marking you as an "advanced" player)
- At Yahoo-Bridge don't ask for explanations or discuss bids. This is considered "table-talk" and an absolute No-No. The fact that almost no player has a profile does not count. The fact that this is just casual internet gaming with random partners does not count. Just as lighning-speed bidding and play the forbiddance of "table-talk" is sacrosanct amongs the "advanced" players at Yahoo-Bridge.
- At Yahoo-Bridge beware the 7NT-bidders. In a session of about 1-2 hours, having gone through roughly 30-50 table hoppers, expect at least one 7NT-bidder. He comes to the table, bids 7NT and leaves for another open table, doing the same thing there. These 7NT-bidders have a surprising stamina. One can see them doing that for hours without end.
And don't be surprised if these 7NT bids get doubled. (After some thinking)
- Table hoppers: At Yahoo-Bridge a random person coming to your table will only stay if he has some decent cards. With considerably less than an opener he will leave right away and look for a table with a hand that suits him. Rinse, repeat.
- At Yahoo-Bridge do not, i repeat, DO NOT open a hand with a bid of 2 clubs. It almost always gets passed out. If not, expect to get raised.
- Consider any jumps to be forcing at Yahoo-Bridge ("Pass p????????????????????").
- There are no weak 2 bids at Yahoo-Bridge. Some people have heard of the concept but usually find it inferior to their counterpart. Also expect the not at all uncommon strong 3 opener.
- Beware the Ad-Bots at Yahoo-Bridge! Similar to the 7NT-bidders they come to the table, post their ad and immediately leave. These ads either have sexual content or, more common, promote a card-counter. Yes, a tool designed solely for the purpose of cheating. The ad goes something like this "Tired of always losing? You will never get booted again in the advanced section! Stop being frustrated and start playing like the pros! Get Card-Counter...!"
- Expect to get yelled a lot at at Yahoo-Bridge. Expect to get called a beginner a lot at Yahoo-Bridge. (You pass opener's 1NT? Beginner! You open 1NT yourself with 15 hcp? Beginner! ("1NT is 16-18 p!"). You jump to game in opener's major holding 5 of them, a void and 7hcp? Beginner!). Expect to get called an idiot, a moron, stupid, and whatnot (beginner). Expect to get booted a lot.
So if you're in for a challenge or feeling slightly masochistic, try Yahoo-Bridge! It's free!
But God, I'm glad I'm here!