Posted 2023-January-17, 14:23
Takeout of hearts to the first one, but like any takeout double that includes nondescript strong hands (as if they had opened a weak two in hearts).
On the second hand I would not be surprised to find that most would pass, or even that on reflection it is the percentage action. However, our 'support with support' partnership agreements are very robust. We will stretch and bend as much as it takes to raise partner. It is also worth mentioning that we have a 2NT invitational(+) raise, 3♠ GF raise and 4m fitbids available, which takes a bit of pressure off of the direct raise. It is still a stretch, but we support on any excuse. On a good day partner has got something in diamonds for us.
We could wait for partner (passing and hoping partner keeps the auction open), but I think we will not have a good action over partner's likely double (3♥, but we are over strength), 3♣ (again, we are way too strong for 3♥), 3♦ (I think 4♥ is good if this is what happens at the table) or 3♥ (now what? High or low?). We might even be fixed over a Good/Bad 2NT, if you play that on this auction. And if the opponents somehow find a raise (who knows, maybe partner is void in spades) we could be in real trouble by not acting now.
Perhaps we should plan to pass, hope partner doubles, then bid 2NT (ostensibly scrambling) and correct to 3♥ (maximum for the pass, with 3(+)-card support). That would be a nice description of our hand, but it relies on the next 9 calls going exactly the way we plan them to. I think this is an unpleasant risk.