Acol Daylong - Feedback thread Feedback and comments on argine and the acol system it plays
Posted 2023-January-15, 22:14
The description shown is "Invitational to either game -- 5 ♠; 9 HCP".. which is GIB!!!
Like at, where they had some cat robots which have been gradually taken over by the m3gan robot as a promotion for the movie, GIB appears to be trying to take over Argine.
Posted 2023-January-16, 01:18
smerriman, on 2023-January-15, 22:14, said:
The description shown is "Invitational to either game -- 5 ♠; 9 HCP".. which is GIB!!!
Like at, where they had some cat robots which have been gradually taken over by the m3gan robot as a promotion for the movie, GIB appears to be trying to take over Argine.
It does seem to have a rather confused personality at the moment
What I find curious is that I was brought up on very basic Acol and Argine seems quite alien
But that was many years ago so maybe Acol has changed
Maybe I should just bid without reading descriptions and see how I go
Posted 2023-January-16, 22:18
Or in this case, a natural diamond suit when it's described as a control with 4+ clubs. You can probably guess this didn't go well.
Posted 2023-January-18, 18:48
e.g. after 3♥, 4♠ is 4+ spades and controls in every suit except trumps.
Seems like the opposite of a superaccept to me.
4 of a different suit is a "fit jump" with 4+ of that suit and 4+ spades, so they don't help fill the gap much (and seem more helpful to the opposition than anyone else).
And 3NT is to play

Posted 2023-January-18, 19:53
You should have seen the traveller
Please ignore my play. It is one trick/play less than optimal DD
Apparently some people made 6 somehow
I guess I should have been more cautious over accepting the GSF - I wasn't even sure what the agreed trumps were
Posted 2023-January-19, 16:46
thepossum, on 2023-January-18, 19:53, said:
You should have seen the traveller
Please ignore my play. It is one trick/play less than optimal DD
Apparently some people made 6 somehow
I guess I should have been more cautious over accepting the GSF - I wasn't even sure what the agreed trumps were
Not sure why it gets so excited holding a void in your long suit, but whatever it thinks is the "agreed" trumps, the GSF seems odd: the only suit in which you can have "two high honors" is diamonds and I doubt even a simulation gives it comfort there - even if you had a club (probable) the grand looks more likely in clubs or even NT.
Posted 2023-January-19, 16:51
Posted 2023-January-20, 05:14
pescetom, on 2023-January-19, 16:46, said:
Fair game. Somebody scored better bidding 7C but not sure how the NT people went Some people made 6+1 of something
If you are lucky you can make 6D. Disappointing

Its good how you can do it

EDIT Those in 6C N also made +1 with a nice club lead - hard for me as south to bid it though - maybe that was agreed trumps thinking back though

Sorry just lolling to myself over how people made 6nt+1. Wonderful defence unblocking clubs by dropping the king under the ace
I know I don't think like a DD sim but its not something I would have even considered. Maybe that explains my level
North was the hidden hand of course. to be fair
And it took an expert from Poland to know they could make 6+1 that way when all the mere mortals were in 4,5,6 minus
Some of us replace our disappointment with sheer awe at those at the top of travellers sometimes
Its why some have expert next to their names and some of us don't

Then again we are just playing a bot and not USA 1 or Netherlands 1 or whatever
Posted 2023-January-21, 10:41
pilowsky, on 2023-January-20, 19:19, said:
Do any of them have slam bidding approaches that are just a tiny bit more sensitive?
I'm not a great fan of Jacoby 2NT, but it seems to fit Acol quite well.
If the 4♦ bid denies ♣A as would be logical, then it doesn't look like a problem of system flavour or even convention, just a poor choice by N.
Posted 2023-January-24, 18:28
Posted 2023-January-26, 06:22
- Stayman promises invitational strength or better
- A weak two in 4th seat can be as weak as 4 HCP.
Posted 2023-January-27, 03:42
Does Argine play count discards?
Posted 2023-January-27, 03:43
Does Argine play count discards?
Posted 2023-January-27, 04:12
edit - according to the FunBridge site: "In defence, Argine scrupulously tells you if she holds an even or odd number of cards in all suits, except in the trump suit, until trick 7.".
Also says there + on BBO that Argine only signals on the first round of a suit.
But your explanation is the the most logical possibility, even if it's still completely insane that it would put so much faith in a late pointless discard.
Posted 2023-January-31, 22:49
What was it that North had that led it to prefer hearts?
Posted 2023-January-31, 23:00
It appears as if 3♣ is defined to be preemptive in clubs, but the *responses* to 3♣ treat it as the above convention - thus it's preferring hearts over diamonds

Posted 2023-February-01, 00:13
smerriman, on 2023-January-31, 23:00, said:
It appears as if 3♣ is defined to be preemptive in clubs, but the *responses* to 3♣ treat it as the above convention - thus it's preferring hearts over diamonds

OK - now I get it.
Argine knows that the bid of 3♣ means that I have 7+♣ but it was concerned that I might have forgotten the system.
So it pulled the 3♥ bid out just in case?
I'm told that Acol comes in several flavours.
Do any of them have slam bidding approaches that are just a tiny bit more sensitive?