mikeh, on 2024-January-02, 16:34, said:
3N looks timid to me. I’d expect a lot of experts would bid a natural 4N. If any reader thinks that 4N is keycard, ask two questions:
1. How do I bid a strong notrump type hand, with too much for 3N and not enough to force to slam, with no good fit for opener?
2. If I want to keycard, why don’t I first set trump, via 3H?
My comment at the table was indeed "I can understand NT, but why not 4NT?". But this partner has an old meta-rule of 4N being keycard after interference and is unwilling to change.
I'm happy with the natural NT response, but surely there is some logic in double all the same? I see your argument about spades, but South has four decent clubs and 17 HCP too.
mikeh, on 2024-January-02, 16:34, said:
Opening very light is not a get out of jail free card. Had south bid 4N, I think it very difficult for north to bid 5C since he might feel that he was (a) losing the board running from notrump at mps and (b) overbidding
Doesn't 5C say "I don't see 6N, but I have 5 clubs (and 5+ diamonds) if you want to play a minor slam rather than 5N?".
That's how I would take it and I would be happy if North did that.
mikeh, on 2024-January-02, 16:34, said:
Imagine north passes. East opens 2H and south bids 2N
Playing system on, north bids 3S, showing the minors. South can now bid 4C, especially since he has a flaw in spades opposite a minor two suiter, and 6C is reached very easily
Around here it is equally likely that East opens 2D Multi: South has an awkward hand for the defence we play because 2NT would promise a spades stop, but Double shows 12+ HCP and 4 hearts if minimum and would manage to get the clubs into play.
mikeh, on 2024-January-02, 16:34, said:
13 tricks are impossible without a major defensive error.
Happened at about one table in three at national level, so major yes but not serious... not easy for our beginner in East to figure out why he should discard from
♠KQ in NT or
♥KT8 (seeing J in dummy and knowing A in hand) rather than from