Yes, 2N is not Lebensohl, but just a transfer to
I agree, that North is showing a slam try and that is also what the explanation shows. I am just having difficulties find all the promised values (13-15 HCP) on the hand.
Now the entire story behind the hand is it was played in a Robot challenge.
I was playing against a player, that I know will often open 1N on off-beat hands like
so I also opened 1N
After 3N I decided that West probably had
♠, so
♣ would play better. I should probably have bid 5
♣ over 4N, but as usual I was a bit optimistic.
Result 3 down
Now back at my opponent, that as expected opened 1N, but decided that 3N was better than 5/6
The result:
On the run of the
♠s declarer got pseudo squeezed so the result was 8 down :-)