With [glow=red,2,300]Bridgemaster 2000[/glow] and all the other Tools (John listed in his Help for Newcomers post) that one can access through BBO our bridge skills must improve BUT to make the most of them by combining them into a coherent whole we have to PRACTICE.
Just playing with friends is fine but there can be a lack of focus. Playing in the Imps tournaments does one no harm but then there is that feeling of being a 'lamb to the slaughter' .
If you haven't already you MUST try the [glow=red,2,300]Total Points Club[/glow] to be found in the Public Club Room (MainBridge Club/Public Club/Total Points Club) Read the Club News.
The beauty of playing there is
(a) it is a competition - so no chat, get focused

© you can monitor your progress - you know immediately where you are at - you have to think about the consequences of your bidding - is this an offensive hand or a defensive hand ? (I'd read the words, here one has to try to convert them into action

(d) Lady Luck can ride with you and you can get the cards that will carry you through - so the playing field is levelled somewhat and there is at least an expectation that one might progress to further rounds. 8)
(e) It is seriously good FUN

So if , like us, you need to Practice that is a great place to do it.
Do a bit of homework first though - read the user notes so you will know what to do /where to go - Nu kept getting lost which did my stress levels no good at all :

Whatever else, before you leave the Club take time out to say a heartfelt Thank You to the TD / AD 's that run the tournaments - something like 5 times a day 7 days a week - voluntarily !! - a huge effort which we (Beginners & Intermediates) can benefit so much from.
In fact whenever any of us are on BBO we should not forget for a single second the enormity of what Fred has provided for us - gives to us here. All of that together with the dedication of his Team, the unstinting effort by the 'Yellows', the Teachers, the BBF Moderators and their friends, the TD's / AD's of all the Tournaments is what makes BBO the safest, most congenial, most beneficial site on the planet for us all to enjoy and improve our BRIDGE.
So, see you in the Total Points Club sometime.
P.S. Any Kiwis reading this - you are needed for the Team of The Terrible Tuataras to play Team Matches - we are down to compete in a Teams Handicap (that means they give us a head start

Click on my User Name (left hand column this post) and leave me an IM.