GiB 2/1 is describes as a simple natural system
However can anyone explain how a system with so many complex systems from Drury to Lebensohl to Smolen etc, and so many quirky bid meanings is any way simple and natural
Below is a shorthand list of possible second bids in Drury
2D Invite to game (13+)
2H Not full opener 12-13 pts
2S 4+ s (18-22 pts)
2NT 5 hearts with stops in all and 12-22 pts
3C stop clubs, forcing 13-14pts
3D 1 diamond 18-22 pts
3H 19-22 pta forcing
3S 1 spade 18-22 pts
3NT 6 hearts with plus stops 12-22
4C 1 club 18-22 pts
4D 0 diamonds
4H sign off 14-18 pts
4S 0 spades 18-22 pts
4NT Blackwood
What isn't clear to me is my bid if I have specifically 0 clubs and 18-22 pts
I do actually quite like Drury or reverse Drury - whatever - the principle - but you could just bid a limit in hearts and proceed from there
BTW I also love lebensohl and the way the guy it was attributed to was able to totally disown it
What happened to simple natural bridge