Cyberyeti, on 2021-December-19, 04:20, said:
4N is also vaguely plausible as 2 places to play at which point partner bids 5♣, although I'd bid 5♣.
You also didn't give yourself the best chance, many people don't give count in trumps (don't know about bots). Try playing a second round of trumps after the K. E will most likely think you have 4 hearts on the auction, so why would he duck which is what's required to beat the contract.
Thx Cyberyeti
Yes, I was curious how East played differently between my play and the 100%
Also if there was a trick or it related to genuine best play
I played my King on trick 3 and East ducked. the 100% played low to the QJ and East took with the Ace
All I think the hand really shows is to play the percentage game. But it can be fun to have more variance from time to time. One that got away
Curious statistical observation. My average doesn't seem to change much whatever I do

On a serious statistical note though. Maybe someone like Richard can advise. Does anyone even have an estimate how many hands and different types of tourneys and opponents I need to make any useful statistical inference at all
EDIT Apologies, in the mess around I posted the wrong hand (the 100%). I posted mine which was the original.
EDIT 2. Given that sadly this thread is already untidy I may start another one to ask about strategy for improving. I try to concentrate on hands that wen wrong - bidding or play - in order to increase my average. But they often, are hands like this, that could easily have worked. And if I try to exclude hands like this my average may drop