Posted 2021-December-14, 11:03
Sort of (but typically not)
There are all sorts of different ways in which the notion of a "control" gets used in bridge.
If people are playing a natural style, controls often come into play during cue bidding sequences.
And, in a perfect world, the partnership has agreements about what does / does not constitute a control.
One such agreement might be whether the initial cue bids show first round controls or first / second round controls.
Another might be whether a cue bid promises an honor or might instead be bid with shortage.
Sometimes, you'll have agreements that you can't cue bid shortage in a suit where partner has shown length.
In these examples, I'd be quite surprised to see someone cue bidding a small doubleton unless this was done as a psych.
However, there are other styles of bidding and some of these rely on Control Asking Bids.
Many CAB systems have ways to show a small doubleton.
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