This was the auction at my table (I was West). I got the ♥Q lead and ended up with 8 tricks. You can make 3NT because the minor honors are perfectly placed and South and their heart suit can be cut off.
At the time I thought partner should have raised to 3NT (we play 1NT as 6-9 HCP, so she is maximum) which I would very likely make by playing to the diamond jack and the club tenace (I didn't fancy taking the club finesse for an overtrick at the time).
The result on the other table was ridiculous:
4 card majors on that table. 2NT went six off for -300. After the dreadful overcall South did well to pass, as whatever they try to scramble to, they are almost certainly going to get whacked. That was five imps out. It would have been a good sacrifice against 3NT had we bid and made it