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a useful add on for firefox bbo helper by Matthew Kidd
Posted 2021-December-27, 20:12
Thx. Have installed it. Is there one that gives me bidding and playing hints please

Posted 2022-January-04, 13:33
Posted 2022-January-04, 15:45
It's useful, but generates occasional alerts with explanations that do not meet my system: guess I have to read the documentation to figure out if they are based on a (so far inexact) attempt to deduce my system or on some "standard" that I may be able to change or customise (or just turn off).
Posted 2022-January-27, 14:10
if I start a bidding table, does it collect the boards, and can the boards be exported en block?
This was a feature of the windows client, that got lost.
if I start a bidding table, does it collect the boards, and can the boards be exported en block?
This was a feature of the windows client, that got lost.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
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