Improve your opening leads by Hugh Kelsey and John Matheson
short 7 chapters
book each on adifferent subject like leads against slams partscores..., each page you get your hand and the bidding should tell whats the bbest lead, then comes a full page of analysis, the grades for each lead and the full hand.
book has been a riddle to me for a long time, i began reading it about every 5 years since my early bridge days. I didnt know how to relate to it, every time i read it I could accept few more hands problem. Others I still didnt agree with the
book till the next time I read it.
Its a strange leading
book unlike other
books that teach you leads, like lawrence
book this one isnt teaching youthe normal leads.
This is a
book on spectacular leads, and I had hard time to accpet it, first of all i thought It use too much analysis for opening leads, and probelby this analysis is effected by the faqct that the authors already seen the full hand, they like picturing the hands that they already saw, second I didnt like the spectacular leads because partner will never understand what Im doing for example when im leading K from Kxxx.
Today I can say its a good
book but its a very dangerous one, I think experts can benefit the most of it, non expert must read it carfully, I dont let my partners read it, I dont like my partners wasting 2 minutes on a stupid opening lead and later giving me full analysis of why it should have worked, usually its will not work because either they miss somethign in the analysis, or the bidders werent as smart as them, or I thier partner didnt read the lead, and aside from this i dont like wasting too much time on leads, bridge is a short game and leads shoudnt take long, also it raize some ethical problems.
I'll give you a normal example so you'll see what im talking about
you west holds
♠ 2
♦ 2
♠ 5
What do you lead ?
I will not copy the full analysis (unless you ask really nice)
i'll just give you the grades hidden:
1♠ p 2♣
X 2♦ p 2NT
p 3♠ p 3NT