Posted 2005-June-14, 07:29
Please count me in the “anything BUT 1C” camp. As I noted in earlier polls, I don't open 1C holding xx45 patterns where I anticipate a rebid problem. If I am strong enough to reverse, I'm happy to open 1C. Lacking sufficient strength to reverse, I'll open 1NT or 1D depending on my strength. As our moderator will attest through personal experience, I'd open 1NT in a heartbeat. (I'll note in passing once more that I feel that the most important purpose of a NT opening is to clarify strength. Promising a balanced hand will often be subordinate)
Having chosen a 1C opening, I'm right and properly pickled. 2NT and 3D promise much more strength. 3C promises more clubs. 2S shows 4 Spades, while Double would show 3 card Spade support. Here, I'm forced to pass suppressing all of my lovely controls and extra strength. With luck, partner can balance. However, I'm expecting to score +50 or +100 defending 2H with a vulnerable game available.
Posted 2005-June-14, 08:17
bid was fine.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2005-June-14, 08:19
- hrothgar
Posted 2005-June-14, 08:23
... looking at the other answers that seems wrong again

Posted 2005-June-14, 08:24
There was a thread called "How aggressive are you". Now I know the answer: recklessly.
Posted 2005-June-14, 09:22
1♣ opening is fine - I would have rebid 1N or 2♣ over 1♠ (only slight underbids).
Posted 2005-June-14, 09:45
pclayton, on Jun 14 2005, 10:22 AM, said:
1♣ opening is fine - I would have rebid 1N or 2♣ over 1♠ (only slight underbids).
Ditto Good/bad 2nt and 1Club opening is as fine as an evening spring breeze at the US Open here in NC.

Posted 2005-June-14, 12:36
mike777, on Jun 14 2005, 10:45 AM, said:
pclayton, on Jun 14 2005, 10:22 AM, said:
1♣ opening is fine - I would have rebid 1N or 2♣ over 1♠ (only slight underbids).
Ditto Good/bad 2nt and 1Club opening is as fine as an evening spring breeze at the US Open here in NC.

PASS as well.
Posted 2005-June-14, 13:59
PASS is NOT a dirty word. You have no bid, and there be signs of a misfit.
Posted 2005-June-14, 17:35
i guess pass will win the marbles tho

Posted 2005-June-14, 19:32
Posted 2005-June-15, 09:50
Rebound, on Jun 14 2005, 09:32 PM, said:
Since it wll not show up in the expert panel discussion, let me remind you that a double here is "support double" showing three card spade support (which you are short by two spades).
Posted 2005-June-15, 12:36
Posted 2005-June-15, 18:26
If I pass with this hand, opps will be encouraged to throw the spanner in the works everytime they play against me.
If I pass, what are the chance my pd will reopen the bidding with a double? I am not too sure of that. 3NT and a minor suit games are still in the picture.
♥K is working. Another 2 Aces and a King - with these prime cards I can't keep my mouth shut.
Posted 2005-June-16, 09:44
- hrothgar
Posted 2005-June-17, 12:43
South WEST North EAST
1♣ (Pass) 1♠ (2♥)
? Your bid
Ok, some will open 1♦, and an enlightened few would open 1NT. If you would have opened something other than 1♣ please comment on the opening bid as well.
Well, it had to happen sometime. The panel unanimously voted to pass. Not much to tell here other than, pass is clear cut. If you are not passing, ask yourself why. Maybe Luis expressed the panel’s view best when he said, “ Pass, automatic. Is this really a problem? Who can bid anything but pass? About the opening bid I think 1♣ is fine. In competitive auctions when your side may have the balance of strength it's important to show pd the suits in the right order, I don't want to open 1d and then 3c and get corrected to 3d with 3-3 in the minors.
The other panelist will speak for themselves. [b[Fred[/b]Pass. We rate to go plus on defense and be probably don't have a game unless partner can reopen. Besides that, there are no good alternatives (especially if you use support doubles as I do).
JlallPass. For lack of anything better to do it seems I have to pass. a 2N bid shows 18-19 balanced, a X shows 3S, a 3D bid is a serious overbid, and 3C trying to get to the 5-1 fit is not my cup of tea. If pard balances with 2S I plan on passing, and if he balances with X I plan to bid 3N (seems inconsistent thats for sure lol). I like the 1C opener alot. Sure it may go 1C p 1S p but there are many other auctions you will be glad you got your longest (and best) suit in first. That specific auction happens less than people think. Even if it does, a 2C rebid isn't totally hopeless as I have a chunky 5 bagger (I usually rebid 1N with a stiff but here its an underbid as well as wrong on shape). I don't like a 1N opener because its such a suit oriented hand, and your stiff is a small one. Partner might transfer out or texas if it's wrong, which is fine with a stiff honor but not with a small stiff.
FluffyPass, other options are awful, I'd open 1♣ because I have reverse values.
Reisig Pass - hate possible misfit
Ritong Pass. Difficult.. lying about the sixth club bidding 3 clubs seems worse
and 2 nt shows the usual range for me.
Ng Pass. I hope my partner will bid again. Double would be support, 2NT, 3C and 3D would be overbids.
Walddk Pass. There comes a day in every man's life when you are fixed. I recommend that you stay fixed. I have a goodish hand, yes, HK is working, but a singleton spade is not encouraging. I don't think we will miss anything if partner passes. As to the opening: No, I think 1C is fine. I prefer to open my longer suit, and I wouldn't have a problem with rebidding 2C if RHO hadn't overcalled. It's a very good suit. Give me AKJx Jxxxx in the minors, and I might open 1D.
Ok, ok. I clearly agree with the pass (explaining the question about would you open something other than 1♣). The panel was perfectly happy to open 1♣ and to pass. Luis got it right. What’s the problem? Guess none. Double scored a zero since in BBO Advanced this is a “support dbl” showing three card spade support, and might get your partner to risk a 4♠ bid on a five card suit.
VOTES Panel Score
Pass 10 100
2NT 0 30
3♦ 0 10
DBL 0 0
Posted 2005-June-17, 17:05

South WEST North EAST
1♣ (Pass) 1♠ (2♥)
? Your bid as south
Ok, some will open 1♦, and an enlightened few would open 1NT. If you would have opened something other than 1♣ please comment on the opening bid as well.