But Ingberman leaves one type of auction fairly poorly defined... the continuation after responder rebids or jump rebids his own suit. Bridgeguys state that Ingberman himself prefers the jump rebid to be semi-forcing, but this in not "defined" within the convention. This lack of definition on the jump rebid by responder, also puts pressure on the values for the simple rebid by responder in his own suit, and the openers follow up after responder rebids his own suit. For the questions above, let's consider these four auctions...
Auction A.
1C - 1S
2D - 2S
Auction B.
1C - 1S
2D - 3S
and Auction C
1C - 1S
2D - 2NT
3C - 3S
Auction D
1C - 1S
2D - 2S
Answer one...----------------
Auction A shows 5+ Spades, forcing one round - other bids besides 3S/4S deny as many as five spades. While a jump to 3S (auction

Answer two ------------------
Same as answer one, except raise auction D is NOT forcing. ------------------
Answer three ---------
Auction A shows 5+ spades, forcing one round - other bids besides 3S/4S deny five spades. A jump to 3S (auction

Answer Four -----
Same as answer three, except auction D is invitational.
Answer Five ------------
Auctoin A shows a WEAK hand with five plus and the opener may pass. Auction B shows a good hand with 5+ spades, forcing (since 2S can be passed). Auction C shows a hand iwth long spades and invitational (since 2S can be passed, and 3S is forcing). Auction D is game force.------------
Answer Six -----------
Same as answer five, except opener's raise is NOT forcing----------------
Answer Seven ---------------
Auction A shows WEAK hand with five plus spades and opener may pass. Auction B is semi-forcing (strongly invitational), Auction C is weakly invitational (opener would bid fourth suit then rebid spades with good spades/hand), Auction D is game forcing ---------------------
Answer Eight ----------
Same as answer seven, but auction D is invitational ----------------
Answer NINE ----
Other, please explain. Note, as good as rubenshol maybe here using transfers at the three level, that would be too big an addition to BBO Advanced.. try to stay within the Ingberman framework for your other definitions.--------------
As this is a convoluted poll, depending upon the results, we might need to narrow the options for a second poll before we "define" how Bridgebase advance will play this. Also, implication from the expert panel's votes will also play a major role in shaping the final "defined" continuation.