Lately, every few boards I get a black screen. I have to log out and back in to get rid of it and get a normal screen with cards. It does not matter what device I use.
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Black screen
Posted 2021-April-26, 16:14
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones -- Albert Einstein
Posted 2021-April-26, 16:26
Vampyr, on 2021-April-26, 16:14, said:
Lately, every few boards I get a black screen. I have to log out and back in to get rid of it and get a normal screen with cards. It does not matter what device I use.
BBO is not satisfied with the quality of your play.

Fortuna Fortis Felix
Posted 2021-April-30, 09:15
There's a known problem like this if you use the web version on a mobile device, if you switch tabs during a round change. Switching between landscape and portrait clears it up.
Posted 2021-May-13, 02:25
There is a problem that seems to have arisen in v5.8.0 and is worse in v5.8.1. If you go into History, then use Play to return to the table, you get the black screen. One way out is to then use Chat to send a character- green table/cards then appear. Occurs on Android tablet with fully updated software, Android v6.0.1. There is a bug somewhere in BOB.
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