Playing with an undistingueshed partner you have AKJ832, Q1054, 652, -. Open 1S-p-2H-3C. Then of course 4C-4D-5C- and now it is your turn.
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What to bid and why?
Posted 2021-April-18, 03:53
ttti, on 2021-April-18, 03:34, said:
Playing with an undistingueshed partner you have AKJ832, Q1054, 652, -. Open 1S-p-2H-3C. Then of course 4C-4D-5C- and now it is your turn.
There's a bid or pass missing I can't make out the auction, please use the hand tool, who made the last 3 bids ?
What system are you playing ? was 2♥ FG ?
Posted 2021-April-18, 12:20
I agree with cyber: the auction is difficult to interpret. As written it suggests that opener bid 4C, with which I agree, but that LHO then bid 4D, which seems strange, and partner then bid 5C, which seems even stranger.
Please repost. Try the hand editor
Please repost. Try the hand editor
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari
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