Hello! I've been taught that responder should have 5 cards to bid a new suit after an overcall. For example, 5 spades with the bidding 1 club, 1 heart, 1 spade.
The robots seem to consistently bid a new suit with 4 cards, which causes me to overbid.
Is this a glitch or a planned bidding pattern? Thank you.
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4-Card New Suit after Overcall?
Posted 2021-March-25, 19:48
The robots are supposed to show five except in these two auctions:
These two exceptions apply because dbl would show 4-4 in the majors so with only one of them, you bid it even if it's a 4-card suit.
Occasionally the robots will deviate from the system with an awkward hand, but after the 1♥ overcall they will double with four spades and bid 1♠ with five.
This is North American standard, although some pairs have different agreements.
These two exceptions apply because dbl would show 4-4 in the majors so with only one of them, you bid it even if it's a 4-card suit.
Occasionally the robots will deviate from the system with an awkward hand, but after the 1♥ overcall they will double with four spades and bid 1♠ with five.
This is North American standard, although some pairs have different agreements.
The world would be such a happy place, if only everyone played Acol :) --- TramTicket
Posted 2021-March-25, 21:23
What helene_t said
TylerE and Stephen Tu appear to have misunderstood the question.
While robots can go off system at times when they're stuck, I've never seen a robot bid 1♠ over a 1♥ overall with 4 cards, given double is always available. So I'm guessing you have indeed mixed this up with 1♦ overcalls, which is a different situation as described above.

While robots can go off system at times when they're stuck, I've never seen a robot bid 1♠ over a 1♥ overall with 4 cards, given double is always available. So I'm guessing you have indeed mixed this up with 1♦ overcalls, which is a different situation as described above.
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