This post is just for you.
This is to let you into a little secret we (our group of grass roots bridgers) discovered.
You have to be honest with yourself for this to work.
What is your biggest challenge ? - bidding right :-- soooo much to try to remember. So easy to Pass ???
Wrong ......

Fred said that your brain stores all the info it receives - he's right 8)
Which is fine if you happen to be a Fred or one of his peers. :

Well right here on BBO you can acquire the means to put the process in motion.

Now for the Secret
If this can work for us believe me it will work a hundredfold better for you .
You know as well as I do that every sportsperson warms up before competing - surprise, surprise Bridge too is a sport - mental gymnastics ! Nevermind the biceps - warm up the brain.

So here's what you do:
Have a light meal (I said light you do not want the brain distracted ordering gastric juices around ???) an hour before you go to the Club.
Take your liquid refreshment of choice to the computer and bring up [glow=red,2,300]Bridgemaster[/glow]. Relax
Practice using random hands for 20 minutes.
It's a miracle

You no longer care if you are Declarer . Instead of 'hiding' that Ace behind the 2 of clubs (amazing what the mind can achieve subconsciously ) you'll be double checking to see that you have counted every single one of those hcps and length and ..... you will WANT to bid.
Now the challenge is to untangle all that flood of info into some sort of order and apply it .............
:'( I don't know how ........but I'm sure you'll figure it out.