Yesterday after being booted from BBO a couple of times, I noticed that the half-eaten double-beef whopper sitting on its side was flickering (in the Magenta box).
Does this estimate the quality of the connection to the BBO Server?
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Double Beef Whopper What does it mean?
Posted 2021-March-18, 20:42
Just like on a cellphone.
Anything less than constant four bars should be treated as a failing grade.
Anything less than constant four bars should be treated as a failing grade.
Posted 2021-March-18, 21:30
That's what I was wondering, But the beefy comestible on my phone and computer are both consistently 4 layered.
Fortuna Fortis Felix
Posted 2021-March-19, 23:12
Since you're in Australia and our servers are all in the US, it's not surprising that you sometimes have fewer than 4 bars. It takes time for the network packets to get halfway around the world.
Posted 2021-March-20, 01:30
barmar, on 2021-March-19, 23:12, said:
Since you're in Australia and our servers are all in the US, it's not surprising that you sometimes have fewer than 4 bars. It takes time for the network packets to get halfway around the world.
Thanks for that - I didn't realise that the BBO network connectivity would be separate from my Australian wireless signal strength.
Fortuna Fortis Felix
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